Parents? Will they accept 'love'?

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Stella's pov:

I walked into my bedroom, with a smile, and set my bag down on my bed. I grabbed my phone from my bag, and unlocked it as I walked into the master bathroom attached to my bedroom. I walked over to the purple tile tub, and started the water. After the hot water rose to around an inch, I threw in my favorite lavender scented bath bomb. I let the water rise some more before I went in, took my bath, and rocked my head back and forth to Pandora. I felt completly relaxed, and the constant stream of love songs made me melt in my bath even more...

Lately, I've been listening to sweet, and sometimes cute but corny, love songs. And, I can't help it, because it's just the way I feel. I listen to songs like, 'Darte un Bueso' by Prince Royce, 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, or 'You and I' by One Direction...

After soaking in the tub, and listening to love songs like crazy, I got out of the tub, and grabbed my towels. I wrapped one around my head, so my hair wouldn't drip over the carpet in my room, and then wrapped the other one around my body. I walked into my room, and went over to my bed, where my Disney Pjs were. I changed into those, and then began on my homework. After around thirty minutes of attempting my math assignment, I gave up. I ended up throwng my textbook into my bag, and shoving it right onto the floor at the bottom of my bed. That's when I sprawled out onto my bed, and stared at the ceiling.

I start thinking of Jose, again, and close my eyes as I imagine his body, and his eyes, and his smile... And my heart hasn't ever felt so much better!

For the first time, I feel so happy, and joyous. I haven't thought about Paige, and all the hate I get from her. I feel so optimistic, and just wanna smile! I haven't really 'smiled' in a long time. I feel so high in the clouds right now, I could just shout, 'I'm in lov-'

*Knock, knock* I hear that at my door, and hop off of my bed to open my door to find my parents there. I opened my door, and gestured for them to come in.

They smiled towards me, and walked over to my bed.

"Hello, sweetie, how are you?" Mom asked as her and Dad walked across the room. They sat on the edge of my bed, and I sat besides Mom, who was closer to the head of the bed.

"Well, I'm doing great, Mom," I answered, honestly, "What's up?"

It was Dad's turn to talk, now, "Stella," He spoke with a hint of seriousness, "You've been pretty-" He paused as he pondered for a word, "Uppity, lately,"

I gave a semi-confused look, "Well, yeah," I started swaying side to side a bit, wondering if I should tell them, "I have been pretty happy, lately. But," I got a lil too defensive as I curled my hands together, and placed them at my side, as I said, 'But', so I relaxed my stance and turned shy again, "There's a reason," I finished.

"Oh, well, what's the reason, sweetheart?" She wrapped her arm around me, "You know that you can tell us, anything." She said, calmly.

I stayed quiet for a bit, as I tried to work up the courage to speak, then it erupted out of my mouth, "Well, Mom, Dad, this is gonna be a big shock, but-" I spoke so fast that I had to take a deep breath, "I have a huge crush on this guy, who's absolutly wonderful, and just so kind. I know that I'm young, but I'm just so happy. And I've never been this happy, before. You know about how insecure I am, and how I haven't really smiled that often since I started going to middle school, at least..." I stoppped to take a huge breath, again, "But, ever since I've met this boy and started talking to him, I've seen and felt my smile come back. I really think that this is a big change, that I need,"

I spoke quickly, calmly, and you could tell how hard it was for me to say it, because I began tearing up by the time I was about to finish.

"Oh, sweetie," Mom wrapped both of her arms around me, and hugged me tightly, "You know that your father and I will support you, and what you want," She kissed my cheek, "We can tell how happy this boy is making you, just by the way you carry yourself when you walk around the house. And we're happy for you, too," She kissed my cheek again, and held me tighter, "We love you,"

Dad tapped Mom's shoulder, and she released her bear hug. I looked towards him, and he opened his arms for me to hug him, too. I stretched over to him, and hugged him.

"Like your mother said," He started patting my head, "We both love you, princess," He started to choke up a bit, "I figured that this day would come, I'm just happy that you're happy,"

"LIAR!" I heard Sophie yell through the wall, ruining but moment, but making Mom and I laugh.

After I let go of Dad, they both left out the room. And at the door they waved at me and told me, "Good night," In sync.

I say it back, and as I snuggle under my covers, I think of how much I love my family, and how I couln't ask for better parents. Then, I look over at my bunny, Tiffy, and nod a quick 'Good night' to her before drifting off into Dreamland, where my prince awaits my arrival.

Jose's pov:

I walk into the house with coffee colder than the polar ice caps, from all of the freezing rain. I took my sneakers off, and walked into the living room, to see Mom on the couch, under some blankets.

"Mi hijo," She straightened her posture, "What took you so long?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry, Mom," I walked past the living room, and into the kitchen, "I was helping out a friend," I explained.

"Ohh," I could hear a giggle follow that, "A friend?" She looked back at me, smiling and winked at me.

"Haha, Mom," I say, "Very funny," I chuckle, a tad bit.

"Mi hijo," She turned around, to face me, "I know, I most definitely know, that you're hiding something from me, now,"

I sigh, "Alright, Madre, I'm hiding something," I put my hands in the air, "I found love,"

Mom's face brightened, as she got up to hug me, and start jumping around me like a crazed fangirl, "Aww~ Mi hijo~ Teine un amor~ You have a love~" She kept singing her sentences with glee.

As she started to get tired from all of the jumping she was doing, I worked up the guts to continue, "Yeah, I do, but... Mom," She looked at me, "I'm afraid that she won't love me back... That, when I tell her about me, and my past, it'll ruin our chance of love." I wanted to, honestly, cry, because I have never really felt this way, before. And, I am really afraid that I'll ruin it all.

Mom came over and hugged me, "Jose," She sounded more serious than normal, "If you believe that this girl is you amor, then it must be meant to be. You can't let your past take over your future. A future with this girl, and the future of the love that you have for her." She let go of me, and gave me a warm, cheery smile.

I gave a weak smile back to her, as I pulled her back in for another hug. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks, Mom. Te amo.  love you," I told her.

She told me that she loves me, too, before sending me off to bed for the night.

Love Happens: The Story of Stella and JoseWhere stories live. Discover now