Friday at School, Saturday at His House

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CHP 12

Jose’s pov:

                I was standing across the hall from math class, chit-chatting with some of the guys on the football team, when I noticed Stella walk into Mr. Serento’s class way before the bell.

                As the guys continued talking, I looked past them, and into the classroom, and saw Stella get ready for the class. She took her time, as she got out her notebook, and some of the old classwork sheets she still had, and then relaxed at her chair, looking on her phone at something.

                When more of the kids started getting to class, I told the guys bye, and went ahead to class.

                Once the bell had finally rang, Mr. Serento sped into the classroom, with a freshly printed stack of papers in his hands. Everyone stared as he placed the bulk of the stack onto his desk, and then walking around and placing sheets in front of every student.

                “Today,” He began, “I need everybody to fill out these progress reports on the projects you were assigned. I need to know where everyone is, because we need to get this out of the way so we can start reviewing the past few chapters we’ve gone over,”

                I looked around me, and noticed that most of the class was trying to suppress the fact they had done not a single thing.

                Mr. Serento started talking, again, “You have to fill this out with your partner, too. So everyone needs to partner up,”

                Everyone stood up, and started hustling and bustling about, as people started their search.

                I stood up, and tried to see if I could spot Stella. When I saw her, I took notice of how she looked like a deer in headlights, trying to figure out what to do.

                “Stella!” I called over to her, causing everyone in the room to stop and stare at me.

                I glanced over to see Stella, cautiously walk over towards me. All eyes turning over to her, as she approached me.

                I think the lot of them forgot about her being my partner, but I don’t understand why they’re all so shocked.

                “Look at the little crayon…” I heard someone murmur.

                “How the hell is she paired with him?” Another whispered.

                “That lucky little bitch…” Comments kept flying around, softly, as Stella came over and took a seat in the open chair besides me.

                She looked down as she took her seat, and let her hair fall over her face.

                “Stella? Are you okay?” I quietly asked her, I sat beside her, and leaned forward, in her direction.

                She didn’t say anything, but I could feel a change in her, as she turned her head away from my direction.

                “Stella, don’t listen to these idiots.” I say, “They don’t know you, meaning they don’t have any right to say anything about you.”

                “You heard them?’ She peeped, as her hands moved to her face, to wipe her eyes, “Sorry… if this does anything to ruin your rep…”

Love Happens: The Story of Stella and JoseWhere stories live. Discover now