Dreaming of each other part 1

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Stella's pov

Gosh I'm so ready to just chuck this chemistry review out of the window ! It's hurting my brain and honestly I'm done with it . I have been studying for this test for what seems like forever and it's killing my brain . It's so hard to memorize all this stuff like whenever in life I'm I gonna need this . In my opinion I'll never need this at all I'm gonna be cooking to make money so A chef doesn't need this but I do Need this graduate unfortunately . Will I'm done for the night trying to even attempt this review I'll just ask Sophie for the answers if anything .

I put my review in my binder and into my backpack and call it night . I go to my bathroom and turn the water on and let it get nice and warm I add a little bubble bath just to make it relaxing . I strip my clothes off and then get into the bath . Oh how relaxing it feels and the warm water makes this oh so perfect . I wish I could relax like this all the time but between culinary club , me studying trying to keep my grades up I have no time for myself . Its allot for me to deal with at times and i am an overachiever so in away i put this all on myself . But i do enjoy the benefits of everything i do . Like in culinary i love it that i can express myself through my cooking and that i can make people happy with my food . I also enjoy the fact that when the school needs catering for events instead of paying for food they save money by asking us to make the food .

I enjoy everything i do for the school and it makes happy that i can help the school in away i can . I also like that i am showing school pride in a way and that i care about the school even though at times i dislike my school . I soon get out of my bath and grab a towel and dry myself off and head to my room . I change into a pair of yoga pants and one of my twilight team Jacob t shirts . I pull my hair into a messy bun and just lay on my bed . I grab my phone unlock it and tap on Instagram to see what's going on there . I scroll through my feed and see nothing's really different since the last checked it . Well might as well call it a night and head to bed I'm just tired today I swear .

I plug my phone in to the charger and set it down on my dresser . I lay down and cover myself with my zebra printed blanket . I make myself comfy and next thing I know I'm knocked out and off to dreamland to have a wonderful dream and just have peace from this exhausting day that I have had .

* Stella's dream *

I'm walking around in this huge and just breath taking castle . It's walls are very high and painted a light ivory color . There are paintings of kings and queens and royalty . I seem to be the princess in this dream as I a wearing this Baby blue ball gown and also a blue head piece that has a small diamond in the end of it . It looks something out of a disney princess movie that a princess would wear to a ball . My hair is in this big fancy updo that is like a bun with a bun wrapped around it like a rope bun . My makeup seems to be quite natural and just simple the way I like it . My shoes seem to be this fancy almost crystal or glass material and may I say they are perfect and very comfy .

I start to explore the castle a bit more until someone come up behind me . " Princess Stella ! There you are my lady i have been looking everywhere for you . The ball is starting and you must be there now my lady ! " a rather thin but not to thin man says with gray hair and very posh accent . He must be a servant or something in this dream and wow he just called me princess Stella how awesome I'm royalty . " oh my bad ummm .. What is your name again ? " I say to him . " it's Ramsey my dear princess your royal adviser and tutor . Did You not remember that my lady ? Your memory alright my lady ? " he asked me very confused .

" oh no it's just I wanted to make sure it was you " I say hoping he believed my story . " Ahh will then let us get going and head down to the ball to meet with your parents the king and queen and your sister princess sofie . " he says leading me down the hall . " Ramsey if I may ask what is this ball for ? " I say to him . " We have to get your memory checked on my lady but it is for you my princess . It is for you to meet your Prince Charming and you will be meeting many princes tonight from all over the kingdom and other kingdoms as well " he tells me as we make our way down a very large staircase . Wow .. I was going to have to meet my Prince Charming tonight and I have a lot to choose from . I guess being a princess is hard work and being forced to do this ball Isn't going to easy since I'm extremely shy . Ramsey starts to speak again breaking me from my thoughts . " But I know you don't want to do this my princess since you are shy but I do wish you the best of luck . Because if there is anyone in this kingdom who deserves love it is you my lady . You are sweet to everyone you meet . You are also very polite and respectful and on top it all you are very smart . You have your head in the right place and I know you will make a wise choice tonight and make the best decision for yourself and your heart . " with those words I can't help but give Ramsey a hug and tell him thank you . They gave me the confidence to make my way down the stairs towards the ball.

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