Day 6

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Today I want to talk about revival. Revival is coming and it isn't gonna start with us just worshiping God and talking to him on Sunday and Wednesday. We have to get in Gods word and we have to talk to him. Revival first has to start in your private time with God before you start it at school or wherever. We need to preach the gospel to people wherever we go. I know what you may be thinking write now "well I don't know how to preach" yes you do we preach all the time. Today or something this week you probably told you probably told someone "hey can you buy me this shirt" and stuff like that but why can't we preach all the time about Jesus. We need to show people Gods love. We may be waiting on a movement of God but God is waiting for a movement of man. There are people in our schools and at our work and everywhere we go they are in a prison cell they are in chains by the enemy and they are not gonna get set free if we don't show them God if we don't preach the Bible to them. We may be the only bible they are gonna see. We need to step out of our comfort zone and we need to be who God is calling us to be. I don't know about you but I don't want to watch someone do what God wanted me to do first. I want to do what God wants me to do and I hope you do to. Make difference. It is time for revival. I don't know about you but I want to change the world. Let's make a difference in this world. WE WILL

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