Day 9

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(I'm not trying to be racist if your thinking it while reading. It is just my opinion.)
Romans 12:18 says "do all things that you can to live in peace with everyone." Today I may go all over the place about stuff but I want to talk about how people say all black lives matter and they do. But not just black lives but everyone's. No matter what color your skin is, no matter where your from you matter. People shouldn't kill people just cause they are a different color. I don't want to see on the news that a white cop killed a black man. I want to see on the news a white cop helped a black man out. I want to see on the news different people with different colors helping people out giving people a place to stay, I want to see people helping people no matter what color they are. I hate seeing people being shoot. I want to change that. When I see on the news that a white cop killed a black man that is not what romans 12:18 says we need to start helping people out even if they are different then we are. We need to show them love and peace and hope and joy we need to show them God. I want to see people loving each other and no caring what color the other person is. In heaven it's not just gonna be white people. It's not just gonna be black people. It's not just gonna be Mexican people. In heaven there is gonna be different colors of people and they are gonna love on each other be nice to each other and everything. Why can't it be like that here on earth?

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