Day 53

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We need to break the silents in the world. We need to stop being silent. What we need to tell ourselves every day is "WE WILL NOT BE SILENT" let's break the silents. We need to ask God what we want we can't just be like "well God knows everything so he knows what I want I don't have to tell him." God wants us to tell him what we want. He wants us to talk to him. We need to pray. Pray constantly and pray bold. Be bold when you pray. We don't go to God and say I think you can do. We need to go to God and said ok Lord you said that I can do this I know that it is your will Lord. No one should run your prayer life but you. You should be confident that you can do it. Think big in your prayers. God can do the impossible. We need to go the Gods word and find where God has answered prayers and look for what you are asking God for. Sometimes God is calling us to go to him and not for him to come to us. If God  done it once he can do it again for you. Prayer is the start it is about taking action. Do something about it. Faith without action is dead. If God called you to do it why not do it. Be obedient to Gods will. Take the step and believe it happens. When you pray and it happens believe it is God not you. We need to start making decisions. Here are some decisions. I have decided to be honest. I have decided to focus. We need to make decisions. We are not to young to share the gospel. If you get focused on your spirit with god he will show you things in the world he I'll show you things for you to do.
Your not to young to share the gospel what's the one thing that if it were to change would change everything in your life? If you focus on God he will use you. We need to stop looking back and we need to decide not to look back. The enemy try's to keep you in your past so you won't move forward. Go to people that you were mean to or you shouldn't have done or something and confess your sins.
We need to start eliminating some friendships and you need making new ones. We need to start make WE WILL NOT BE SILENT our normal. We need to make it our life style.

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