Day 84

61 9 1

So some of you may be going through a battle right now and if I'm honest I'm going through a battle right now. I know it hurts to go through. I love this quote "the battles not yours but the victory is" give the battle to a God. See God has never lost a battle. Trust me you can't do it alone. Give it to God let God help you. Another thing is depression and anxiety. Those things are not of God. God didn't give you that the enemy did. You can get set free from that. The enemy attacks those he is afraid of. The enemy gives you those chains because he is afraid because he knows what you can do. I want to pray right now. God I pray right now you will break those chains off of people's life right now. Lord those things are not of you and I command them to go right now in Jesus name. God I pray you break that depression and anxiety off of their life right now. Lord I pray for the people going through a battle Lord give them comfort Lord I pray you will help people through these battles and help them see they are not alone. Lord help them with what they are going through and show them that the victory is coming. Amen.

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