2 | christmas

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He could hear her feet behind him.

He'd just left the Potions classroom. Draco had received a detention for - guess what?!, ruining Granger's potion. He'd sabotaged it behind her back, putting in an extra unicorn hair, causing the potion to explode. However, Draco, being Slughorn's favourite, was not forced to do hard labour- only sit there for 5 minutes or so.

But she was following him through the corridors still. It was bothering him.

"Granger what are you doing?"

He whipped his head around and she jumped.  Her eyes became wider and her heart began to race.

"I was just... somewhere." She began to look frantically around, looking for an escape.

"In the middle of the night?" he questioned, dragging out the I of 'in'.

"I could say the same about you" she stated, picking up confidence. The moon had just risen, casting an eerie glow in the walls of the castle, making it rather cold.

"Granger don't mess about-  why are you wandering around?" He was getting irritated now. He just wanted to get into his bed and sleep.

"I'm just..."


" I was with the head boy!" She finally found an excuse. But he had found a flaw.

"Don't you have a common room for that?"

"Well he was just..."

"Just what?"

"He was in the um Ravenclaw common room." Her breathe was shaky now. He couldn't know.

"Granger I'm not an idiot. The Head Boy is a Hufflepuff. Stop lying to me." Teeth clenched together, Draco walked closer to Hermione. He was angry now. She began to slowly walk backwards.

"What were you just doing?"
When he received no reply, he walked closer to her and his voice rose.

"I'll repeat-  what were you just doing?"

He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the door of an empty classroom.

"Okay fine I was following you okay

"you were?"

"yes isn't it obvious?" Her hand circled around the brass handle of the wooden door. She twisted it slightly, thinking she had her valence, but she didn't. Falling towards the ground she grabbed the thing closest to her. Malfoy.

"Granger what in eart-"

Her eyes looked different. Instead of the muddy brown, up close they were a mixture of greens and yellows and hazels. He was transfixed. He trailed his eyes down her face and to her lips. They were slightly pink- not what he had expected, but he couldn't get enough of them. Her cheeks had turned red under his scrutiny , she began to feel uncomfortable.

He couldn't stop.  Her everything was his everything.
But it was all over too soon. She pulled away slowly, dragging her body on the floor away from him.

"What the hell was that?" It was barley a whisper but she heard it all the same. His brows were scrunched up in confusion.

"You tell me lover boy!" Her heart was racing.  No one had ever looked at her like that.

"Don't call me that!" He couldn't help it. He couldn't help staring at her- she was bloody beautiful.

"Your the one with the weird staring problem Malfoy." She scoffed and began to walk away, her hand seining next to her wand.

He grabbed her arm again when before she could gab it. It was a mistake. The same happened again, his eyes locked into hers and  he couldn't look away. He needed to taste her lips, feel her warmth.

"Kiss me." He closed his eyes and placed his face near hers.

"What?" Her eyes widened and she began to back away.

"Just kiss me" he tried to lean in closer, eyes fluttering tight.


"Early Christmas present?" He pleaded.

Hermione rolled her eyes and flickered her gaze down to his lips. They were pressed into a fine line, a slight stubble outlining his jaw. In all honesty, she had been following him because she was transfixed by him. The way his blonde hair fell above his brow and the way he swept it out of the way when he was concentrating. She was attracted to him, no denying that.  And with that she made up her mind.

"Merry Christmas then."

It was late September.


That one was a tad waffle but oh well.

So yah like 23 days to goo

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