Words will always hurt her

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Charlotte had always been open about her condition and even willing to share if it gave her more recognition for the condition. The problem was that she never looked sick. But her digestion troubles soon became VERY apparent in the classroom.
Then everyone started to think she was diseased and contagious and she sat alone in lesson and at lunch. As alone as she could get she sat on the other side of a mostly deserted smaller canteen where they usually served the pasta. She sat and she ate. In year 7 she would go into school everyday at 8 and head straight to the library and would go there after school until it closed. But then she just tried her damnest to spend as little time at school as she could manage.
In year 8 she made friends with Lexxie who I think saved her life because Lexxie self harmed and was suicidal but she was also funny and weird and... herself. Soon Charlotte learned to be herself but then everything just kicked up a notch. The words hurt more because the wounds were much deeper and would never heal. They just made her get paranoid but the worst part then was that Lexxie wasn't there. She was depressed and so it was likely that she wouldn't even look at you let alone say a single word to help you. Charlotte continued to sit alone and work alone and live alone because she knew that if she whispered a single word of this to her mom, it would just break her and she had caused enough damage just by being born. After this she became extremely interested in vampires and everything that went with it. But as the bullying got worse Charlotte couldn't bring herself to cut but she found a way around it. She found a way where she could do it in class. She would bite her wrists. She could control the pain and make it physical in relation to what she felt inside. She usually wouldn't bite enough to bleed but at least enough to bruise. It was pretty in a way. At least prettier than Lexxie thought tiger strips was. And she looked like a vampire.
She got into music so she could drown in it and video games to lose herself in it. That's why she loves rpgs because she can play the role of someone who isn't running to her grave and getting pushed along by people she was supposed to trust. Then she realised she had to discover herself and her sexuality. She couldn't figure out if she was gay or straight. But then she found out Lexxie was bisexual. She could stop being torn and fit into her own category safely and happily. Then lexxie posted on Facebook about being bi and Charlotte's mom asked Charlotte if she was. She had planned on a more dramatic conversation with her mom but this is what happened. She said she was and her mom said nothing further. Later her mom found out that Charlotte was being bullied and Charlotte was right. It broke her. But her mom gave the school a chance to fix it. They didn't. At least not sufficiently. About 2 months later Charlotte was assaulted while she was walking home from school by some of the students on the school road but instead of going back to the school and telling the teachers she was determined to get home. She got home and she cried for an hour as she debated whether to break her mom further or break herself. She told her mom and she didn't go back to school. She found a new school and now she was onto her 5th school in the 6 years she had lived on this grey cloudy island prison.

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