Broken Code or a Broken Heart?

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Sonic IRL 6

Broken Code... or a Broken Heart?

By: Cutegirlmayra (To be honest, with all my stories, I only daydream a scene and then add things I want in it that retain and uphold the current story and the plot I already have going on. So in all honesty, I usually just 'wing-it' for the rest xD I never know how a story is gonna turn out till it's done, and by then, I'm to exhausted to re-read it and to excited to post it that I don't edit it xP But with this one... this story... I really do love it. I really do love what I'm doing with it and can't WAIT to find out where it's going :D *I know a little of where it's going but-* anyway, enjoy! :D In other news, I do indeed have a Dr. Hope XD He's a dentist though...and a guy... so. Lol I didn't base my doctor off of him okay!?)

A woman walked bristly toward the doors of Sega of Japan. An American with fluent Japanese it seemed. She was young, maybe in her twenties or close to hitting her thirties but not quite there just yet. Then again, that could just be how she looked, but not really how her age was. It was hard to read her, as she wore a buttoned up white shirt and a jacket over it that puffed up and spiked her shoulders with padding as the middle buttoned with a clip in the front. Her skirt was tight but just barely below her knees, and her hair was golden and placed upward in a bun. She wore dark sunglasses, and her high heels sent a ring of powerful footsteps through the lobby as she entered.

She held some files in her hands, and placed them down in front of the lobbyist, who flinched back by the loud nose of papers falling to her counter.

The woman then placed her hands, interlacing, on top of the files, and smiled. "Good day." She greeted with a bright smile and a warm charm within her voice. It was like the first initial impression of her was completely wrong, but maybe she was a strong woman after all, even if she now seemed to cheery to be very... well... intimidating.

"H-how do you do..." the woman bowed her head, as the American kindly bowed hers as well, and lifted her sunglasses up and to her head. "Are you... the Video Game Counselor?"

"Ah, bright as ever." She shifted her head to the side, giving a playful smile and obviously agreeing with the woman's suspicions. "That would be me, and I've been told I'd be given my own office and employee badge." She stated.

"But... you're so... young." The young lobbyist stated.

"Well, you're quite the young thing yourself!" the woman gestured to the girl and smiled, seeming very peppy. "I'm not just a Video Game counselor either, you know." She continued, "I'm also a very well respected Scientist on the leading theories of how Video Game characters and other media characters can just... poof up out of no where and how they are able to live and seemingly breathe around us. Well, only to the employee's with the proper hearts and mind-sets. My dear, have you seen the characters of Sega out and about, by chance?" She narrowed her eyes cutely to the girl, asking her with cute and playful curiosity.

"W-well I.." the woman started, before looking up at the counselor, seeing her excited grin and how her head bounced around almost like a child waiting for the answer as she smiled too, seeing her peer in her. "I have seen some arcade characters walk by a time or two." She beamed, loosing her fear or confusion of the woman.

"Oh! I know! It's it exciting!" The counselor seemed to just... spring with overflowing life and wonder. How could anyone be intimidated by her?

"Dr. Hope? I presume?" A man with a few men behind him came walking out of another area where the walls were clear windows on top, and then the normal walls that you could stick a tac in under them.

"Ah, my new boss." The woman looked to the rather pudgy man, and moved her files off the lobbyist counter. "Till we meet again." She winked to her, and walked up to the man. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She offered her hand.

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