Welcome to SEGA

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Sonic IRL

Ch. 15

Welcome to SEGA

By: Cutegirlmayra (Boy, it's been a while! I'm doing discord and Instagram livestreams after a few of my story chapters come out so, yee! Come and have fun! :D You can pm me here or on Tumblr to ask any questions about it. But I do hope you enjoy this new chapter! It's, as always, a doozy of a ride... but well worth the wait, I hope ;)b enjoy~)

And so it begins again...

A nagging feeling...

Like something's just around the bend...

Amy placed a delicate hand up to her heart, looking down solemnly before turning around from walking with everyone in the office to turning back towards the computers...

Sonic stopped a moment, being more cautious lately, taking time to keep a careful eye on Amy.


It was so loving... he was referring to her in his native tongue and it made her heart leap. It was so sweet... he really was trying to show he cared about her more.

In Japanese, they conversed with one another. "What's wrong?" He walked back to her side, smiling as though he hadn't the foggiest idea what could be troubling her.

She watched as he casually placed his hands on his hips, and leaned on one side of his leg, waiting a reply...

"...You know what..." Her eyebrows bent in a plea, but he wasn't going to give in so easily.

He sighed, "You shouldn't whine, Emi." He scratched the back of his head, lowering it down, "Ahh... The company can't afford what you're implying..."

"Just one visit!" She jumped up, having some energy back to her, before bending her ears slightly and looking 'hopelessly' in need of his help. "Please?"

He looked back up to her, showing with his raised eyebrow how she knew he had no say over her life. "Emi... you're becoming nothing but trouble lately..." he folded his arms and stood a bit straighter, shaking his head. "You really think they'd forgive you after everything? They may just strap you to your file like they did Eggman." He gestured his thumb back as a figurative reminder of how severely Eggman was locked up tight now. "He's barely a file, at the moment." Sonic shrugged, "No fun when he's not around."

"...Sonic..." She stepped back a bit, knowing even with his permission... it wouldn't do much, regardless. "She's so new again... and-and... she hasn't answered any of my skype calls!" she threw herself forward again, startling Sonic with her quick movement.

"Hey now..!"

"What if she's depressed again!? What if they haven't found a permanent solution to her errors? What if-!?"

Sonic patted his hands to the air, trying to calm her down. "Hey, hey, hey... take it easy, Emi..." He gently placed his hands down on her shoulders, seeing her tear up in a mother or sisterly fear and smiled warmly to her. "She's going to be fine." He assured her, looking directly in her eyes. He lowered his head to be at eye-level with her as she sniffed and rubbed her tearful eyes. "American me is on the job. He hasn't exactly failed, you know." He patted her head, then gave it a light rub to scruff it up a bit. "Haha, you worry too much."

"Like you don't worry at all." She puckered her lips, calling his bluff.

"Oh? Is that a fact..?" He lowered his eyelids, liking the playful challenge before staring at her fish-lips...

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