Season 1, Chapter 1

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Sonic Supers!

Ch. 1 (Season 1)

By: Cutegirlmayra (I had original made up this idea to be a video game for Sonic the Hedgehog. I tweaked it because someone convinced me it would be a good anime... well, that's when everything went downhill... Looking back, I really like how I was beginning the story, and I think the 'humor' aspect and 'falling in love' stuff just didn't work out for how I really wanted it. So, going back and tweaking it up AGAIN, will mean that I'm sticking with the 'game' story more than 'anime' writing. I hope this new and improved version is still loved and seen as a good edit. Love yall! :D)

It was just another day in paradise; the sun was bright, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Tails hummed as he worked on his beloved plane, fine tuning it and working out all the kinks from his latest upgrade on it.

"Phew, that should do it!" He wiped some sweat off his forehead, only to replace it with a smudge of black oil.

"Hup!" he sprang up and stretched his tails, which had been lying down and not moving for some time. Shaking out the stiffness and tingling sensation of sleep, he stretched his arm out and put the other arm behind his head to hold it, then went on his tippy-toes to further stretch out his body from all its aches.

Lastly, as he turned around he shook out his foot, which had fallen asleep beneath him as well, and sighed out in relief that his work was done, putting his tools down on his workshop's desk.

"Now to fix this..." He took out a device and looked it over, starting to work on it with his screwdriver.

His tails whisks behind him insomuch that if anyone were around they'd be able to tell how much he loved his craft.

Suddenly, windows shattered from behind him, forcing him to scream in shock and duck his head on his desk. His wooden garage door was suddenly split in two by a robotic fist. The large splinters of the wood shot out like large swords prepared for battle.

"Wha-what?!" Tails kicked his legs back, trying to get himself as far away from the damage and danger as he possibly could.

"Yoo-hoo? Any fox home?" An old, cheerful voice came bounding out of a speaker attached within the robot's wrist.

As the fist opened, it speedily launched out and grabbed Tails. Tails tried to dodge, but it had anticipated his movement and reached above him, so Tails ended up jumping into its grasp. He kicked his legs in his struggle.

Closing it's robotic hand and clasping down tight on Tails' body, Tails flailed a free arm and wiggled a leg further out, his tails trying desperately to twirl but not being able to complete their spin, no matter which way they turned.

Those we're the only things free of this robot's grasp, as it slowly moved it's hand out of the garage, leaving massive damage to the ceiling that slowly began to fall apart as the upper level came crashing down, poor Tails crying out as the pieces of wood fell all around him and just managed to miss his head. Then the poor X-Tornado was flung out of the way and to the side as the fist rammed into it, before straightening itself out and robotically creating the noise of a car backing up as the robot removed it's arm from the place.

--------------------------Somewhere in the middle of a dimly lit forest-------------

The screen fades from black, and opens on a wide foresty scene...


A fainted sound rippled across the trees as Sonic, which was only a blue blur at the moment, dashed past oncoming trees, leapt over boulders, climbed hills and cliffs in a manner of seconds, and was soon out of sight. The forest faded as the mountain's landscape came more and more into view....

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