S2, Chapter 5 FINALE

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Sonic Supers!

Ch. 5 (S2)


By: Cutegirlmayra ((Thank you to all who have stuck with this till the very end :D and with me x3 I'm glad you loved it and have laughed with it. I wish I would of put more bonding with these three,.. but originally it was suppose to be as light as a video game, and I changed that into anime format. (tried to fix that over the edit) I think I should of just kept it like a video game and not side-tracked myself. Either way, I'm finishing this TODAY! :D So excited to see what you guys think! Enjoy! (If it isn't obvious, read the 'memorable abridged series moments' after the story lol XD other wise spoilers.) Abridged moments: Silver didn't like how Eggman stole his line, random pokemon reference, a voice that tries to convince Sonic to go dark, tells him the other side has cookies and feels personally attacked right now by his responses, Eggman has a 'travel map' like Disneyland for his place-he's also fallen and he can't get up, Master Emerald disciplining her Emerald babies and then 'eating' Dark Chaos and Dark Sonic, making fun of my author's notes..., Next time your mom says something, say 'because I'm super'.))

Dark Sonic slammed into Dark Chaos as the battle raged on, but even then, the hostility and violence just kept rising as Dark Chaos fed off of Sonic's anger; Which kept rising as her resistance never seemed to end.

He had shot her down for a moment, and then extended his hand, screaming out as powerful black matter burst from his hands. It shattered to the size of baseballs and trumpeted down like a parade of gun shots.

Dark Chaos used her hands to deflect any that came at her and then enclosed herself in many rings that all floated and spun at high and frightening speeds around her. Dark Sonic countered by shooting himself down and trying to fight her in close combat again. However, the rings were like blades, making it impossible to reach her. She kept coming at him while he continually dodged the spinning rings around her frame, finally moving his fists fast enough to get an opening through to hit her; breaking her many bladed rings that faded into black mist.

Slamming against a tree by his hand, he dug her head down it's rough bark and into the ground. But she quickly retorted by jabbing a hand into his stomach, ripping out chaos energy from him and letting it stream into her being.

He lost so much power that he couldn't fly for a moment, giving her time to turn around and get a foot on his back, slamming him down before lifting herself up and holding her hands together. Separating them, there drew a huge arrow-bladed beam that she held as if a sword, slashing it down on him.

The dust made it impossible to see further, as Tails and Knuckles clung to Rouge's hands, as she tried to desperately fly them up to Eggman's airship. Which was all strain and no laughing manner...

"...It's no use." Eggman stated, plopped the ground with Orbot and Cubot attending his wounds. He was sweaty, and he looked like a complete wreck. "If that didn't kill her... nothing will. Dark Chaos will take over the entire universe and I'm powerless to do anything about it."

"Oh, but what about Sonic? And the others?" Orbot tried to think of a positive alternative, as Eggman let his head sink down further and threw his thumb up behind him.

"Have you seen the state they're in? At this rate, she's got them crying like babies over the loss of their friend. Heh, possibly more by the looks on those three,... pitiful hedgehog... faces..." he let the arm drape down and just flop as if there was no life left in it... Moving his head up to lean against the control panel where he lay at the bottom of, sulking on the ground. "My life is meaningless now." He stated, his lower lip trembling. "If I only knew why Sonic gave up the chaos emeralds in the first place... I could have prevented her from turning super, and made my Eggman Empire..! I have the blueprints too, it would have been spectacular!" He lifted his good hand up before shaking his head at a hopeless dream now, turning to Cubot and placing his hand on his robotic one; patting it gently. "Ah yes,... simply beautiful and metallic in every, which way~" he chimed, and slowly started whining out a sniffle or two, as if an old man giving up.

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