The hunt - Chapter 1

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17-04-1990 1:04

Eersel - Holland

The cry of the new born baby rattled through the hospital. Lily, the mother of the little baby girl held her in her arms and stroked her red cheek.

'Hello pipsqueak.' Mike smiled at his little girl.

The baby was still crying, but she soon calmed down by the rocking of her mothers arms. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into the loving gaze of her mother.

'You must be tired,' the doctor said and looked down at the baby. He moved in a little closer when he saw the baby's eyes and examined them.

'Is there something wrong?' Lily asked worried when she noticed the doctor's startled face.

'No... It's just that I've never seen such blue eyes before.' The doctor shook his head and stepped away from the bed. 'I will draw some blood to run a few quick tests to make sure she's completely healthy.' The doctor opened a drawer and took out a needle. He drew a couple of little bottles of blood from the baby and placed a brown band aid over the wound.

'It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay,' Lily soothed the baby which had started crying again.

'I shall leave you for a moment now.' The doctor smiled and closed the door behind him when he walked out of the room, leaving the proud parents behind with their little girl.

'All set?' Mike asked as he looked around, scanning the room for things they might have forgotten to pack.

'Yes,' Lily answered without taking her eyes off her child. The little girl had fallen asleep in her arms earlier this morning.

'Good morning.' The doctor walked into the room. His appearance looked chaotic.

'Good morning, doctor,' Mike replied. 'Do you have the test results?'

'I do...' the doctor answered with a troubled face. Doctor John Conner was still young. He had only just graduated from university. He was around the age of 28, but right now he looked at least ten years older. His eyes were tired and weary. His dark brown hair was a mess. The clothes he was wearing were the same as the day before and looked like he hadn't taken them off ever since.

'What's wrong?' Lily tightened her grip around her daughter, causing her to wake from her slumber.

'Your daughter has an extremely rare condition...' Doctor Conner started, but stopped as if taking some time to search for the right words.

'What? Is it serious? Is she going to... die?' The last word was choked off by the upcoming tears in the woman's eyes. Mike wrapped a comforting arm around her, but he himself was trembling on his feet by fear as well.

'No.' The doctor shook his head. 'It's her blood. Your daughter has no ordinary blood type. She has what scientists call "blood type X". There have only been six known cases in the entire world who survived and are still alive today.'

'Six cases in this year?' Mike asked confused.

'No, in the last thirty years.' Doctor Conner closed the door of the room and ran a hand through his hair. He leaned against the door and sighed. 'This blood type X... your daughter's blood is very special. Its composite is unique. It allows her to heal at least twenty times faster than normal people can, because she can produce new blood faster than others. She is also able to-'

Before doctor Conner could finish his story, the door opened and a startled nurse rushed in.

'They're here!' she panted.

'Try to stall them! Go!' He pushed the nurse back out of the room.

'Quickly! Come with me!' Doctor Conner pulled the couple out of the room and dragged them along through the hospital.

'I don't understand! What's going on?' Mike screamed.

The little girl, still cradled in her mother's arms started to cry. Doctor Conner stopped and turned around to face the parents. Lily's face was wet with tears and both she and Mike looked terrified.

'Most of the six others have died already or their common whereabouts are unknown.' Doctor Conner sighed. 'There's a group of scientists who are extremely interested in these people. They will do anything to get one of them, your daughter, in their hands.'

'Why? What do they want with our daughter? Our Emily?' Lily asked, her words barely audible through her tears.

'They want to do research, run tests. They want to test how much your daughter can take, how long she can survive, how much bullets she can take, how much blood she is able to lose without dying.'

Doctor Conner sighed deep and laid a comforting hand on their shoulders. 'Please, you have to trust me. I can get you out of here, but we have to hurry.'

Mike and Lily quickly followed doctor Conner out of the hospital. He ran up to one of the ambulances and opened the back doors. Without asking questions, Mike and Lily stepped into the back with their little girl, Emily. He slammed the doors shut and ran over to the drivers seat, started the car and backed out of the parking lot. He saw a group of gruff old men jumping into a white van in his rear mirror.

'Please don't follow us. Please don't follow us.' He whispered softly, keeping a firm eye on the van in his rear mirror. He took a few turns and eventually ended up on the highway. The van followed every move they made.

John Connor started to accelerate. The white van behind them followed and trailed close behind them.

'Shit!' he cursed when he wasn't able to shake them off.

John turned on the sirens and went to full speed. The cars in front of him maneuvered out of the way and moved back after he had passed, forcing the van to slow down and stop its pursuit. John let out a sigh of relief and kept the sirens on a little while longer just to be sure. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

'Richard, I need your help.'

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