The hunt - Chapter 6

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22-09-2013 15:00

Rickley's Cafeteria

Los Angeles - United States

The sun was high in the sky now, sending down only a little warmth in the cold September month. Everyone but Connor and Chris had assembled back in front of the cafeteria again. They sat on a small, stone wall, their faces directed towards the sun to catch a glimpse of its warmth and enjoying the silence. Little clouds of air were visible when they breathed out.

'Remember that time when we had only just joined the army?' Megan asked suddenly. 'Emily had to cut off her hair but she refused to do so. General Lewis got so frustrated with your cuteness.'

'I remember that day!' Muffy exclaimed and smiled. 'Didn't he challenge you to a fight and if you won, you were allowed to keep your hair. He really didn't expect you to win.'

'I don't think he ever challenged you to a fight again after that,' Megan added.

'Didn't he get assigned to another group afterwards?' Al asked. 'You really crushed his dignity, Em.'

'Well!' Emily retorted. 'I really wanted to keep my hair...' she added softly.

'You sure made that clear!' Megan laughed.

'What about Muffy and that dog then,' Emily said.

'Which dog?' Muffy asked.

'That really cute white poodle you were afraid of,' Megan explained.

'Oh yeah! The general had brought his poodle with him once and you were scared shitless of it!' Al started laughing. 'You almost had to cry when it ran after you!'

'It was a really vicious poodle!' Muffy retorted.

'Finally!' Megan exclaimed as Chris and Connor walked up.

'Alright, here's how we're going to do it,' Chris started. 'We'll go to Japan by plane. General Richard Lewis will be waiting for us on the airport. He already booked three rooms for us in a hotel in Sapporo. There we will draw a plan on how to get a boat. Any questions?'

It remained silent for a moment, which got broken by the cheerful melody of an ice cream van that echoed through the street. It drove up, stopping a few meters away. Emily stared at it for a few seconds, then carefully raised her hand.

'Yes?' Chris asked.

'May... I have an ice cream?' she asked hesitantly.

Chris remained silent for a moment and blinked his eyes. He rubbed his chin with his hand and looked around at the ice cream van.

'Buy me one too then,' he replied.

'I want one too!' Al immediately added.

'With colored sprinkles?' Emily asked.

'Colored sprinkles!' Al started laughing, then quickly cleared his throat and looked at Emily. 'Yes please.'

'Any other questions?' Chris asked as Emily and Al walked away.

'Nope,' Muffy replied and hurried after Emily. 'Wait for me Em! I want one too!'

'Ridiculous, they have no restraints whatsoever.' Connor shook his head.

Megan folded her arms and raised an eyebrow as Connor glanced over at the van.

'I'll just go see... uhm, if they need any help carrying everything...' Connor smiled and ran after Muffy.

'Don't spill any ice cream in my car!' Megan said when they entered the highway. 'Why did we have to take my car anyway?'

'Yours is the biggest,' Chris answered, licking his ice cream.

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