Waking The Demon***

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Chapter 1: Waking the Demon

These fucking kids were pissing me off so much! Pine Tree and Shooting Star, I will stop the two of you one day, and the both of you will never be able to stop me when I take over the world and your entire dimension!

It has been two years since those fucking twins have shown up, and I was fucking pissed! So, I was originally planning on waiting for the two of them to leave, and la de do da day, walk in and take over the world, but no! The two of them have been here for the last two years, and I was fed up. I had to get rid of them somehow, but they were too interesting to kill. If I were to kill them, it would make for a very boring show.

I sighed as I collapsed on my recliner. My house in the Nightmare realm was amazing, spectacular! But, I didn't have anyone to come and see it— well that got depressing fast. Never mind that, I need to find a way to stop those bloody mystery twins from stopping me, but how was I to go about that? Mabel was smart, even though she seemed dumb, she does know how to do a lot of things right. But Dipper, Dipper was different.

Although I managed to get a hold of his body a few years ago, shortly after he arrived, his sister had to come in and save the day. Right when I was so close to getting the book. But things like this are what I am talking about. You can't try and get rid of one, without the other interrupting, even if you're in the body of one of them!

I rubbed my face with my hands and growled. How the hell am I supposed to split them up to the point where they don't even notice it? I stood up, basking in the warmth of my fireplace. I moved to lay down in front of the fire, not really wanting to move or think, but I needed to. If I were to stop the brats then I would need to think of a way to stop them. But first I need to do some research.

Over the last two years, I couldn't be bothered going to annoy them. It was actually too draining and I didn't have the energy for that. Ever since what happened when I tried to take over their dimension, most of my powers were completely gone, so the most I could do was maintain my territory.

But the time for that was over. It was finally time for me to return to the new world, but with the tiny extent of my powers, I will have to return in my true form, and not that of the ritualist triangle that I normally appear in.

In this form, I can easily form a solid body in the other world, which means that it was possible for me to travel there, and end up with a completely human body. I don't even know if that is truly what I wanted, but it will be what I am going to get, and that will have to be something I need to put up with.

I groaned and sat up, turning to face the fire. Now was the best time. If I were to stay any longer, I don't think I will have the strength to remain alive for long in the other dimension. That, and the friends I didn't manage to keep my promises to will more than likely be coming to kill me soon— so hopefully, they won't recognise me in a human form, or in other words, my real form.

"Nunc est tempus. Murum ad locum transire velim." As the words left my mouth, the fire in front of my changed from a dark, glowing orange, to a bright, shining blue, the colour of my magic. I smiled. Now was the time. I stood up as the fire grew to a great extent. The extent that it was now spilling out of the fireplace and surrounding me in a flaming blue circle.

I let out a loud laugh. This was it! I am finally able to go and get my revenge. As soon as the spell is complete, no one will be able to stop me, not even those bloody twins! Now all I have to do is get my revenge.

"Don't worry Pine Tree. I'm coming back for you, and you are going to get what you deserve!" My laugh grew, as did my flames. Dipper Pines, you better be ready for me when I get there! Next thing I knew, everything was black.

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