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Chapter 4: Heroin

Bill's P.O.V

What are you doing to me, Pine Tree? I growled lightly as I looked down at the Pine Tree in my arms. This was not going according to plan, so many things are different now, I don't know how to react to them.

I turned slightly so that I was facing the ceiling. I feel if I look at Pine Tree anymore, I'm going to lose everything that means anything to me, and I was going to be consumed by this boy. He was nothing. An insignificant speck in my great wheel of things, yet he can control me with a single breath.

The ceiling began to fade from my view and around me appear the doors and rooms that led their way through Pine Tree's mind. Most of the doors were beautiful and majestic, matching that of Pine Tree. While others were dark and rotten, I wanted to destroy them since they were the bad memories that reside in my Pine Tree's mind. Wait, my Pine Tree? No, no, no, no, no— this is impossible— this is fucked up. He is not my Pine Tree, he is simply— well— he's Dipper Pines— isn't he?

Dipper's P.O.V

Why was I so comfortable? The shitty bed in the attic was never this comfortable. And I was so warm too. It was a nice warm, even if we were in the middle of summer, well the start of summer. My eyes slowly blinked open, before closing again, not wanting to open.

It was weird, I had slept better than I had in two years. Was it because we were back in Gravity Falls and my brain had just decided to realise or was it the fact that I didn't have any nightmares. No nightmares— that was a dream within itself.

"Are you awake?" I moaned lightly responding to the voice. Wait— voice? Images flooded my closed eyes and I remembered. Bill. We had made a deal that he would keep my mind safe, and I guess he kept up his end of the deal, and I guess I was too. But that voice was quite close.

My eyes finally pulled themselves open, surprising me. Energy began flowing through my body, ready for a day of answers. Hopefully, if things go okay, I'll be able to get some answers from Bill. I can finally fill in the missing pages.

Ever since Weirdmageddon, and Bill destroying the Journals in a fiery rage, I began taking my own notes about the weird monsters I could remember and knew from this place. Several black books had been filled with this information, and although it was not much, it reminded me of this home even though I was far away from it.

"Pine Tree. Are we leaving this room anytime soon?" I shrugged and began looking around to find Bill's face inches from mine. I froze as my face heated up as more memories flooded to my mind of the two of us kissing. "We can rein act that if you would like to." My fist instantly rose and Bill's arm moved to protect his face.

A smirk crossed my face as my fist smashed itself into Bill's lower abdomen, smashing onto the weak part, just below the stomach, causing Bill to tense up and through himself upwards, clutching his stomach.

His sudden movement threw me head first off of the bed, but I never hit the ground. Something soft was underneath me. I moved my head around to see that Bill had thrown himself underneath me, and stopped me from hitting the ground.

"Holy shit, Bill are you okay?" Bill laughed lightly, slightly winded that was obvious.

"Pain is— hilarious," I groaned and pulled myself from Bill, holding my hand out to help him up. Bill looked at my hand confused before I gave up. I sighed and reach down to Bill's hand, grabbing it and pulling him so that he was standing. Bill's face was shocked as he jumped into the air trying to gather his balance. I stifled a laugh at his antics.

"Bill, you are the weirdest person I have ever met." Bill looked at me, his face going red.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I shrugged, pushing him slightly. I don't know, was it?

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