This Shit Getz Old***

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Chapter 8: This Shit Getz Old

Dipper's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Bill used up all of his magic and was sick. He was still on a now magic ban, and it was getting old. Bill was fed up with everything and I was ready to hit him over the head every time he even considered using magic.

"Dipper! I'm bored!" I sighed and I reclined back in the desk chair I was sitting in. Bill and I were in the room we shared and Bill was laying on my bed, staring up at the roof.

"I honestly couldn't care less." Bill sighed and moved his body to face me.

"Dipper!" Bill dragged out my name in an attempt to annoy me, but I refused to cave. He needed to rest. I don't know what his magic capabilities were at yet, but I don't want to push him in case he isn't the strong yet. I haven't really slept much since then. I don't want Bill to think he has to keep me safe in my dream, so I'm making sure I'm not having them.

I keeping my sleep to a minimum. Only sleeping every two to three days and only getting a few hours. I use Mabel's makeup to cover up my dark under rings and I make sure that Bill doesn't know I'm losing sleep. If he were to know that fact in the state he is in now, he will put me to sleep and I won't be able to keep him safe.

"Why won't you look at me?" Shit, he noticed. I've been avoiding looking at and conversing with Bill in hopes he wouldn't notice that I was acting differently in any other way.

"I'm concentrating on something." Bill scoffed.

"As if I am going to act like I believe that anymore." I guess he caught on? God, I hope not.

"Believe what?" Bill sighed and I heard the bed creak. I turned my head to see Bill had turned away from me.

"Believe that you are okay. You don't look at me, you barely talk to me. I don't see you at night, you won't tell me if everything is okay. You won't let me use magic to make sure you are safe, you aren't letting me do anything too over the top. I can't even stand up for more than ten minutes without you freaking out over me. I'm done Dipper, and I want some fucking answers!" I— I don't know how to react to that.

"Bill—" Bill cut me off,

"You're acting like a huge fucking asshole Dipper, and I want to know why! I know that you aren't sleeping!" I froze. He does know. I guess there's no hiding it anymore, but I don't want to tell him anything. I don't want him to worry. I just want him to continue being that little demon that I love. I don't want him constantly worrying about me and I don't want him constantly keeping me safe. He needs to understand that I am my own being and that this shit is getting old.

"So what!" I screamed at Bill before I could stop myself. I threw myself out of my chair so that I was standing facing Bill, who had moved so that he was directly in front of me.

"So what?" Bill repeated my words to me, colder than I ever could have believed.

"Yeah, so what if I'm not sleeping? So what if I'm acting like an asshole? It's not like it matters to you!" Bill growled, grabbing my arms, throwing me onto the bed.

"It matters because you asked me to keep you safe and that's what I want to do!" I sighed, turning my head to the side.

"You want to enter my mind and keep me safe and sane. Good job, you've finally lost it." No one would truly want to keep me safe, he's just saying that because he wants to be on my good side.

"I'm saying it because I love you, and I believed that you loved me after you said it. but I guess you just said it because I was sick and you were pitying me." My eyes widened and I turned to Bill.

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