Survive the Night- Light***

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Chapter 3: Survive the Night- Light

Bill's P.O.V

What the hell was going on with Pine Tree? Can he control entering his own mindscape? No, he was forced in there? But by what? I was trying to get onto his good side, so I know it wasn't me, even if I wanted to see that vulnerable side of him, I didn't want to see that. Something in that room, in that hell of Pine Tree's— it scared me, and being insane, made it pretty fucking hard to be scared about something.

Maybe I was scared because if I didn't go through with everything with pinpoint accuracy, then my entire plan will go down in flames, and I will not succeed in the next stage. I'm not on Pine Tree's good side or bad side right now, so all that matters is to jump off of the fence and dive head first into his good side, and hopefully I'll finally be able to move on with my plans, but I have no clue how long it will take for me to get on his good side.

Pine Tree, Pine Tree, Pine Tree. There is nothing in all of the dimensions that will prepare you for the pain that will rain upon you once everything is ready. If you thought weirdmageddon was bad, just you wait, everything will be perfect.

Dipper's P.O.V

I feel like I should have made a bigger deal. I feel like having Bill protect me in the dreamscape wasn't enough. How was that going to have Bill make it up to me? I sighed as I slumped against a tree.

Since we woke up and Bill gave me some weird as hell memories back, along with a newly found deal, hopefully, Bill will keep up his end of the bargain of, we were wandering around aimlessly in the woods. And Bill was not being of any help, fucking floating around the trees, laughing evilly. I'm beginning to regret keeping him by my side.

"Bill, can you please stop— whatever it is that you are doing, and help? If you haven't noticed, we're lost, in the middle of Gravity Falls woods, and who knows what comes out at night here." Bill laughed a little more normally and came down so that he was standing in front of me, too close for comfort. I took a step back,

"We aren't lost. You are, I'm simply following you around for the show. Not as amusing as I thought it would be. I guess I was expecting someone to come out of the woods and try to kill you." Bill took a step towards me that I took away, causing me to step back again. This demon!

"Bill now is not the time to be an asshole demon. We are in the middle of the woods. I get the feeling that mortal body of yours isn't invincible." Bill frowned,

"How do you know that Pine Tree?" Nail on the head. I wonder if I can find any weak spots in this defence of his. It might be a bit fun to have a little crazy around here. I wonder what will happen if I piss Bill off. I wonder how I do that.

"Lucky guess. If I were to get mad and hit you, it will hurt, won't it?" Bill froze, a confused look on his face. "And if you can feel pain, it's not the pain you like inflicting when in another's body. It actually hurts you." Bill froze.

"Pine Tree, stop talking." I froze and shrugged. Wimp. I sighed and shoved my way around Bill, who was frozen in place.

"Coming, Dorito?" I asked, but I didn't turn to look at him. I marched forward, my care of the demon growing less and less the further we walked. That demon was horrible and irritating. I honestly couldn't care less if he died right this moment. It would be doing the world a favour.

But— it would affect me. For now, I needed Bill to keep me safe in my dreamscape, however, I got there I didn't know, but I kept on ending up in hell— my own, private, personal hell. I remember the real memory like it was yesterday. I was studying one time in class. I got so lost in the books about anomalies, I was lost to the world. And when I came to, my bully, Tait was standing in the doorway.

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