I Swear This Time I Mean It***

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Chapter 2: I Swear This Time I Mean It

Bill's P.O.V

What the hell you stupid Pine tree?! What on earth do you think you're doing?! Treating me like I am a fucking child! I took on the age you looked when I knew you, but you've gone and fucking grown! This changes my plans way too fucking much. Damn it. The plan I had was perfect for the child I knew, but this! This was not in the goddamn plan, and now I have to think of a new one!

I sighed dropping to the ground in the open field in the middle of the forest. Hey— this looks like the place the little runt Gideon summoned me all those years ago— well it was only two years ago. But why does Pine Tree look so different?

If I want to enact my revenge, I am going to need to take on a form different from this one, but still different from my real one— my real one was too old. Why does Pine Tree have to be at the weird age for bodies? Couldn't he remain in that younger body which is easier to control and manipulate?

Changing my form at the beginning of the game was going to hurt. Why does everything in this world have to be so hard? I mean, I hate my old world, but this one was just plain painful. But I didn't want to be alone in this world. I want to dominate it with someone by my side, but who is strong enough to help me defeat Pine Tree.

Dipper's P.O.V

I still question whether the food that Grunkle Stan makes is food or not. At least it doesn't make me feel sick like it used to. I laughed lightly at the thought. So much as changed since two years ago. Mabel became sick because of everything, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford finally gave into their hate for each other and became some of the closest twins I have ever met, aside from me and Mabel that is.

Soos runs the Mystery Shack now, and he does a pretty good job at it. I guess spending all that time working for Stan taught him how to be a 'Good' business owner. Wendy was about to start her first year of college. Wow did that sound amazing.

"Whatcha laughin' at there, Kiddo?" I turned my head to Stan, who was standing in the middle of the kitchen, actually wearing clothes for once in his life. I flash to the times where Grunkle Stan would be standing in the kitchen, no pants on, just a pair of striped boxers and a stained singlet.

"Nothing Grunkle Stan, just reminiscing mostly." Stan gave me a confused look.

"Rema-what?" I sighed, rolling my eyes. God, he was still as stupid as he was two years ago. Words longer than six letters confusing him.

"Reminiscing. It means to remember happy events that have passed." Stan looked at me like I was a freak.

"Okay Kid— whatever floats your boat," I sighed, scrunching up my mouth.

"Nothing floats my boa—" I was cut off by a banging on the front door. Stan and I both jumped. Who the hell would show up to the house's door? Wouldn't they just go through the Mystery Shack?

I quickly leapt to my feet, grabbing the nearest thing to me, which was a frying pan. I looked to Stan, who nodded, sliding his brass knuckle busters on. The both of us crept to the door, where the banging occurred again. This time, neither of us jumped; we were ready to attack anything at that door if it plans on hurting us or anyone we love.

I thought of quick check on where everyone was. Mabel was upstairs with Grenda, Candy and Wendy, talking about boys more than likely, while Ford was in the basement, working on something for when he and Stan take off again. Okay, they were safe. No one bar us knew how to access the basement and the girls would hear a commotion and hopefully run out of the bedroom and onto the roof where they could make a getaway.

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