Forgive and Forget***

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Chapter 6: Forgive and Forget

Bill's P.O.V

Was I inside? I can't tell. I was wet, and I could hear rain, but I don't know if it was still falling on me or not. So many things have happened, and I was not in control of a single one of them. Dipper was being consumed, but it wasn't me. That kind of evil doesn't just show up and take over a mind. That sort of evil takes years to spawn, and it was the sort of years before Dipper even knew me.

"Bill, we need you to explain what's going on?" Who was talking? I can't tell anymore, everyone sounds the same unless it's Dipper talking of course. He sounds amazing. I smiled graced my face,

"Dipper." God, he was amazing, but I think something was wrong. Was it with me or him? I can't even remember anymore. God, I'm so tired! Gah, I just want Pine Tree in my arms. He was comfy, comfier than I would personally like to admit.

"Dipper? That's what we want to know. What's going on with you? Are you high or something?" High— that's how I described magic to Pine Tree, and now I'm acting it— oh god.

It was as if a light had switched on in my brain. My body rocketed into a sitting position and I looked around the room to find all the Pines' family, Dipper being the only one unconscious. Something was happening, and I was trying to fix it— but something is trying to stop me. I groaned as pain began running through my head. This fucking shit. I clutched my head, just above my right eye as the pain was centring there.

"This isn't— good." Sixer nodded and gave me an annoyed look.

"What did you do, Demon?" I guess I couldn't fool old Sixer. He always did know me a little too well for my own good. But I needed him all those years ago, and if it would get him on my side, I would play every card I had.

"Surprisingly, nothing." Ford sighed. The pain was growing.

"Don't try and lie anymore, Cipher. The game is over, your game is over." I sighed, curling up slightly.

"There is no game, only something else. I have done nothing. Dippe— Pine Tree has done this on his own, and I had no play or meddling in it." Ford didn't believe me, but one Pines did.

"So you didn't hurt Dip dip?" I shook my head. Lately, I would even consider it Shooting Star. But how could I say that to her in a way that would make her truly believe me?

"Demons live and feed off of insanity and fear. Do I look insane to you right now?" I know it sounds mighty unorthodox and weird, but it just might work.

"No, you just look— sad, and in pain. Why do you look like that?" I shrugged,

"Good question Shooting Star, but I think it has something to do with the demon fawning over your brother's mind right about now." The room froze, and although we were calm, for the most part, fear began to creep into the room.

"When did you put it in there, Demon?" Of course, Sixer would believe that I placed it there. But why the hell would I even want to if it was going to affect me in this way?

"I don't know Asshole, how about never?!" Sixer was shocked at me reaction. My body jumped up and I ran over to Dipper, who was on the couch behind Fez. Although Fez didn't want to let me near his nephew, he moved in fear of an attack. At this moment, I wouldn't mind hurting something to get rid of some of this pain.

"What do you mean, never?" I sat down on the little sliver of couch that was free and held onto Dipper's hand.

"Who knew, twenty-four hours and you could become completely attached to someone to the point they begin to feed off of you, like a leech." Everyone stared at me, confused.

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