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Chapter 7: Repair

Dipper's P.O.V

I could hear people, but that wasn't what I was concentrating on. I was spending more time on the fact that I was kissing Bill in front of all of my family. Well, it was mostly him kissing me, but it was still happening, and I liked it.

I wasn't really ready to wake up to my family just yet, I was still trying to wrap all of the events that have just occurred in my mind, into one perfect sentence that will explain everything when need be— but we weren't there yet. Everything was just so— weird. Bill coming back into our lives and completely taking over mine.

In the last twenty-four hours, Bill had become my everything, and I successfully managed to go insane. Well, not too insane, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come back to sanity. But I don't think I would have managed to be repaired without the help of Will and Bill.

"Why the hell is he still kissing our great nephew?! He is awake!" My shoulders sagged at the sound of Grunkle Ford's words. I knew Mabel was standing up for us, but I don't know how much abuse she will be able to take. But if there was one thing I was good at doing, that was having all of the attention turned to me and only me.

My arms reached up, tired and heavy as fuck, wrapping themselves around Bill's neck, pulling him closer to me. My lips opened slightly, and I began coaxing Bill's tongue into my mouth. Bill groaned, pulling himself impossibly closer to me. I smirked and moaned in return. In the background, I heard Grunkle Ford's yelling cease and if gaping jaws made a sound, it would be the only sound in the room other than me and Bill right now.

"Dipper," Bill groaned, as his entire body moved onto mine. I wanted to laugh, but I was feeling this so much right now. My legs began moving, wrapping around Bill so that he couldn't escape. Bill bit down into my lip and I groaned, my body lifting up into Bill.

"That's adorable!" I jumped, accidentally biting Bill's lip as our top halves split at Mabel's voice. Well, I guess I kind of saw that coming. Suddenly Bill was ripped away from me, causing me to fall off of the couch since I had attached myself to Bill. I groaned as my ass hit the hard ground of the Mystery Shack.

"Grunkle Ford put him down right now!" Mabel was annoyed. I smiled, reminiscing at the thought of old Mabel. The girl who was never grumpy unless something didn't go her way. Back then, she would just work around it. I wonder what she would do now.

"Yeah Sixer, you heard Shooting Star. Put me down." Bill's legs curled up so that he was sitting crossed legged in the middle of the air. He so wasn't at all using his powers. That idiot, he's going to wear himself out.

"Grunkle Ford!" Mabel was still shouting, but I saw it. Bill's eyes slowly closing. My eyes widened and I moved quicker than I ever have before, slamming myself into Grunkle Ford, knocking him down, causing Bill to fall from his arms.

I lashed around and caught Bill in my arms. He was asleep. That fucking idiot. Did he have to show off, of course, it was going to affect him, he just fucking saved me! I growled annoyed. Bill, I get it. You don't want to seem weak to Ford and Stan, but you need to let yourself go every once in a while. I swear you are not allowed to do magic for the next week. If he does it, I will kill him, this time I'll make it stick.

"Mabel, can you help me carry him to our room?" Mabel nodded. She trusts Bill now, she saw the good in him too. I'm glad. I don't want her to be sad anymore.

Together, the two of us made our way up the stairs and into the room that I was using with Bill. We gently placed him on my bed before slipping out of the room, shutting the door tightly.

"Will he be okay?" I looked at the door as I pondered the thought.

"I don't know. I don't even know what happened. Do you?" Mabel nodded and slid down the door, leaning against it. I followed her movement. "Can you explain?" Mabel nodded and quickly became lost in her thoughts as if finding the right words. I don't care how long it takes, I just want to know how much magic Bill used.

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