KMR 14 - Some

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Listen to Baby Soul & Ryu Sujeong - Clean when reading this chapter 👆👆👆



Kim Kei

The rain that pouring on us becoming slower and then stop. As soon as the rain stopped, Joshua pull out from the kiss. From our kiss. Both of us are panting for air.


"It's nice," Joshua said. Cutting my words. I can feel that the bloods rushing to my face. Luckily it's dark. If not, Joshua might see my tomato face right now.

Joshua walk toward his umbrella that is already a few meters away from the place Joshua dropped it. He take back the umbrella and close it.

"Let's go now. Before you catch cold," he said. I just nods and follow his steps.


"Kei-xi," I heard someone calling my name from my back.

"Who is it?" Yein asked me. Both of us turn to our back. It's Hongbin sunbae.

"Hongbin sunbae," I said.

"Kei-xi. Can we talk for a while?" Hongbin sunbae asked. I look at Yein and give her an eye gesture asking her to wait for me in front. Yein nods and walk away.

"Sure," I said as Yein already a few steps away from us. "What do you want to talk to me?"

"Well. I wonder if you're free after school," he said. Oh? He's asking me that question? He will ask me out or-?

"I'm not sure," I said. "Can I ask you why?"

"Oh. I just want to ask you to accompany me to the mall. I'm trying to find a gift for my parents anniversary. But, I don't know to ask who," he said. Scratching the back of his head cutely. Omo~ "If you're not free, I can find it myself. But I really want you to accompany me. You know. I didn't really have good taste to find a nice gift,"

"I'll let you know if I'm free. But, I'll try to make some times to accompany you, sunbae," I said.

"Really?! Thank you, Kei-ah," Hongbin sunbae said. "I hope you don't mind if I call you Kei-ah,"

"Sure. You can call me that," I said.

"Alright. Thank you again," Hongbin sunbae said. "See you after school,"

"Nae," I said. Hongbin sunbae then left. Yein walk toward me as Hongbin sunbae disappeared from my sight.

"What did he said?" Yein asked. Busy body much.

"He asked me if I'm free after school," I said.

"Wait?! He asked you for a date? What did you say? Did you both couple already? Why I didn't heard anything about that? Why you didn't tell me anything? You already have your first kiss with him?!!" Yein keep asking questions.

"Yah. Can you ask me one question a time? I can't answer all of that in at the same time," I said. "We're just... you know. Friend. We're not couple,"

"Really?" Yein seems disappointed.

"But I already have my first kiss," I said.

"With Hongbin sunbae?" Yein asked excitedly

"No," I said

"Don't say-" Yein stop walking. "Joshua Hong?!!"

"Ouch!" I accidently bump onto someone who's in my way because I'm looking at Yein right now. I look at the person I've bumped onto. "Joshua?"

"J-joshua," Yein seems so shocked.

"What?" Joshua asked Yein.

"N-nothing," Yein said

"Follow me," Joshua grab my hand. I just follow him without saying anything. Without asking anything.

He let me go when we're at the place whereas no students there. He than taking out something from his pocket. It's a hair clip. He put it on my hair.

"It suit you," he said. I touch the hair clip that is already on my hair. "That Hongbin guy like a girl who wear something like that. And you're going to go out with him, right? If he ask about the hair clip, just said that it's your lost hair clip and you just found it in your locker,"

"How did you know that I will go out with Hongbin sunbae?" I asked.

"I heard his conversation with his friend. That he's planning to ask you out. And his parents' anniversary was last month. It's just an excuse that his friend told him to tell you," Joshua said.

"What?! You mean, he lied?" I ask.

"More or less. He just want to spend some time with you. Act like you didn't know about this and just 'help him finding the gift'. He like you," Joshua said.

"How did you know?" I ask

"I'm a male. I know how a male will act if he like someone," Joshua said.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Why about me?" he asked me back.

"Did you act like him if you liking someone? Or is there someone you like?" I asked. Wait a minute... Why did I ask something like this. Stupid Kim Kei. Joshua will be angry at me.

"I've been liking someone. Since a long time ago. And, now still like her. I act similar to him. So, I understand his feeling," Joshua said. PRANG! Did you hear that? That is the sound of my suddenly broken heart. I don't know why I feel like this. But, it's hurt. "Treat him nicely. He's trying his best. And you'll get your so called prince charming soon,"

"Eo," I said. Looking at the floor.

"It's so not me, but, I wish you good luck," he said. "You don't have to bring me food tonight. Just go back to your home as soon as you done,"

Joshua then walk away from me. He has someone already. Someone in his heart. Why did I thought that I am the only girl he look at? Maybe, I've fell into his charm as an ultimate player. I thought that I'm special but actually I just some random girl. I sigh. I need to get rid of these thoughts.

Remember, Kim Kei. He is just your toy. Your kissing buddy. You should be thankful that he wanted to help you. You're now close to Hongbin sunbae because of him. He helped you a lot. So, focus. I thought myself. I nods.

Joshua is a few steps in front of me. I looked around. There's no one here. I run toward him and pull his hand. Joshua seems shocked but when he see me, his expression become soften.

"What?" Joshua asked. Without saying anything, I tip toe and peck his lips. Joshua look shocked and spacing our for a while. He always like that when I peck his lips. And I like to seeing his expression. It's so cute.

"Thank you, Shua-ya. Thank you for everything," I said.

"E-eo," he said.


Hannyeong~~ We meet again!!! Sorry for the late update... I hope you like this chapter.

You know what? I'm starting to miss my sebong and lijeu. It's hard without any news about them 😭😭😭😭😭. I really hope they'll comeback soon. At similar time maybe, so we can get some loveteen moment again. I'm praying hard for that

Anyway, vote and comment! I love you all!!!! 😘😘😘

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