KMR 11 - I Don't Know

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Don't do this
Baby I don't know
I still don't know my heart
- by Son Naeun, APink I don't Know


I Don't Know

Kim Kei

I'm entering the music room. I'm still trying to figure out how to show to Hongbin sunbae that I also like Park Hyoshin. I sighed. Why is it so hard to get what I want?

I take out my phone. I wonder if I have any Park Hyoshin's songs in here. And fortunately, I have. Wild Flower. I didn't remember when did I save this song in my phone. Well. It's quite a nice song.

I touches the play button on my phone's screen. And the song started to play. I put my phone on the piano at the corner of the music room. Then, I start to sings.

I love the sing. Singing is one of my hobby. Sometimes me and the other girls sing together when we have some spare time.

As soon as the song ended, I heard someone clapping behind me. It make me flinched and quickly turn my body. It's Hongbin sunbae. Since when he is here? Why I didn't notice when he's entering the room.

"Hongbin sunbae," I greeted.

"You sing it well," Hongbin sunbae said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Park Hyoshin's songs are usually not easy to be sung by some random singer. You surely have a wide vocal range. You sing it very well," Hongbin sunbae keep praising me. It make me shy somehow.

"It's not," I said.

"I love Park Hyoshin and his songs. He is so talented and his songs are really great," Hongbin sunbae said. Suddenly, I remember what Joshua told me yesterday.

"Are you a Park Hyoshin's fan?" I asked. Even I know that already.

"Yes. I like him since I'm in the middle school," Hongbin sunbae said.

"Really? I have an extra signed album of Park Hyoshin. My friend give it to me. If you want it, I can give it to you," I said.

"Signed?! Wow! It's great! You want to give it to me? Seriously?" Hongbin sunbae asked can't believe what I just said.

"Yeah. It's just if you want it," I said.

"I would like too. Thank you, Kei-xi," Hongbin sunbae said. He really do look happy and excited.

"I'll bring it tomorrow, okay?" I said.


"Sunbae," I called Hongbin sunbae. He's talking to his friends when I called him. Hongbin sunbae turn his head and look at me.

"Oh. Kei-xi," Hongbin sunbae said. He talk something to his friends before he walk toward me.

"Did I bother you?" I asked.

"No. We're just talking about some random things," Hongbin sunbae said. "Do you want to meet me?"

"Nae," I said. I take out the album that Joshua gave to me before. "Here,"

"Woah. You really have the signed album," Hongbin sunbae look impressed and admiring the album. "This is so cool. Do you really want to give this to me?"

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