Interview #12- The Promise

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Author- DDChant

Date- 1/22/12

1) What is the name of the story we will be discussing?

The Promise. It’s the first book in a series called ‘The Lady Quill Chroniles’.

2) What is the genre of your story?

Historical romance with adventure and mystery!!!

3) What is this story about?

The series tells how a single battle changes the lives of 5 foster brother, forcing them into dangerous adventures. The first book ‘The Promise’ is the story of Rafe and Adele, who both lost much to the battle of Calis and how their futures are bound together by a promise. 

4) Was there anything in particular that made you come up with the idea for this story?

I wanted to write a story that was a romance but also showed the friends of the hero because I realized that when I’m reading, it’s how the hero treats his friends that really makes me love or hate him. And I wanted the principal characters to have all experienced the same event that changed his life but show how differently it effected them. 

5) Was there anyone that inspired you to write?

My family are all VERY supportive. But my sister, my Mom and my Aunty Carolyn helped so much! They let me drone on and on for HOURS about my plot and characters and gave me so much encouragement.

6) What made you discover WattPad?

It was a friend of mine, she invited me to join and I’ve had so much fun!

7) Is there any genres/storys you enjoy reading on here? If so, what are they?

I LOVE romantic adventure! ‘Chase’ was good, I enjoyed it.

8) Is there anything you would like to say to the readers of this interview?

Ummm............Please give my books a try??? 

And thanks for reading my interview!!!

Thanks so much to P3ace0utCourt for this opportunity!!!

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