Interview #24- The Secret Locket

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Author- AquaBubblez

Date- 1/22/12

1) What is the name of the story we will be discussing?

The Secret Locket

2) What is the genre of your story?

Historical Fiction, Romance, Tragedy

3) What is this story about?

After eighteen years of believing he was the legitimate son of an affectionate couple, his belief was shattered upon being told that he was the missing heir to a prestigious dukedom.

Leaving his home and all that he loved and cherished behind, he began his new life as Marquess Of Livingston, attending high society parties, becoming the richest, most wanted bachelor in all of London and enjoying every moment of it.

Until one day. One very fateful day all that he loved-he hated, all that he believed in-were illusions. And it all started with a locket. One locket that possessed dark secrets that would shock the ton, if it were ever to be found out.

Would he risk his life to conceal the secret that held the answer to his past? Or would he dishonour his family’s name in order to find out who he is?

It's a fight against fate but there's no chance of him winning this game. After all, fate can’t be tamed…Or can it?

4) Was there anything in particular that made you come up with the idea for this story?

I started this story November 2010 for an English assignment. I wrote the first version and finished it within 2 months with 60 pages. It wasn't long, it wasn;t developed and i was just a newbie to historical fiction.

After i handed the assignment, my teacher looked like she was about to faint XD She said,

'Habiba, no examiner would read and mark a 60 paged story when they have 300 coursework pieces to mark in 2 weeks! I'm sorry, i can't mark this.'

So.. i created an 11 paged story in 2 days (Who I Am) and got a decent grade from that story.

However i felt dejected that The Secret Locket wasn't read after all the time and effort i put in it.

So, after i read, researched the time (Victorian era) i wrote the story again. But this time it was interesting but i still didn't have the great feeling to it.

After a couple of months -that was filled with exams- later i wrote the story again.

And it started with a murder. The idea came from a dream. I kept the original idea but changed bits and bobs and the ending. I think the new idea rocks, but i might change it in the near future.

I plan to publish this story when i finish it :)

5) Was there anyone that inspired you to write?

Hmm, not anyone in particular but i remember reading books of the same genre and i wanted to write one myself. Authors like Mary Balogh, Georgette Heyer, Catherine Coulter have inspired me to write the genre i write.

6) What made you discover WattPad?

Hmm, two friends suggested it, and i thought of joining it since i had 5 stories hidden in my folders and i wanted to get more reviews.

I put The Secret Locket up because i wanted to improve my story, also if i were to publish it in the future i wanted to see if people liked it and if they didn't why didn't they and so on.

7) Is there any genres/storys you enjoy reading on here? If so, what are they?

Erm, i generally love historical fiction, comedy, romance and tragedy, so i tend to read stories that have those genres.

However it doesn't hurt to try things new, so i don't really mind reading other genres just i'm not very good with thriller, horror and disturbing stories.

8) Is there anything you would like to say to the readers of this interview?

Thanks for reading.

I am very grateful for the support you guys have given and for commenting, voting on my story. I hope to one day publish this story but before i get to the finish line i need reviews and reads so i can improve my writing, develop my characters and the plot and make it less cliche and more interesting than ever :)

Thanks so much for the support. Thanks for the interview P3ace0utCourt.

Take care :)

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