Interview #18- Hungry But Full

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Author- LovelyBeautifulYou1

Date- 1/22/12

1) What is the name of the story we will be discussing?

Hungry But Full

2) What is the genre of your story?

Teen Fiction

3) What is this story about?

A teenage girl named Terrigan Crone who's diagnosed with Anorexia and now lives at the hospital!

4) Was there anything in particular that made you come up with the idea for this story?

To tell you the truth, no. The idea had just been flying around in my head for a while. I knew the characters, their names and appearances but not what the story was actually about. But one day before I went to sleep, I was thinking about the title, Hungry But Full... What does it mean? That was my main subject, if your title has no meaning, there's no purpose to the story. And I was like, hungry but full?

5) Was there anyone that inspired you to write?

So many people inspired me to write! Definitely my mom, she was always there for me. But then there were my teachers, specifically my fifth-grade teacher. She said in front of the whole class that my writer's notebook was the best! Inside there was a note that said, "Great job! I can't wait to read your first book!" That definitely kept me going.

6) What made you discover WattPad?

I just wanted someplace to write, where I would get feedback so I went online, google, and then it was right there.

7) Is there any genres/storys you enjoy reading on here? If so, what are they?

I definitely enjoy reading the teen fiction. I feel like you can really connect with it and know what the characters are going through. Examples? A Letter To You by@NomNomCheese and Glimmering Dawn by@PainterOfTheStarsXx Though I'm sure every single one out there is amazing!

8) Is there anything you would like to say to the readers of this interview?

Well something I always like to say is, "It really doesn't matter how many people read your stories. If you can just find that ONE person who constantly reads, you've done it. You've made a perfect book."

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