Part 4

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After changing into yet another new dress I was getting very hungry. So of course like curious little me I venture out of my room. Walking through the halls that held so much history and some of them still stand thousands of years later. Putting my hand against the columns I could feel the texture of the hieroglyphics. This was a time I had studied ever since I was a child and to be here really felt like a dream come true.

"Can you read them?" a new male voice I hadn't heard before says.

Looking over my shoulder I saw another man, he was a little shorter then the Pharaoh, his hair pulled back but he still looked like someone important. Trying to remember the file just because I did recognized him but nothing came to my mind. Shaking my thoughts I remembered he asked me a question.

"I can." I answer very simply.

"You must have been taught by your master then?" the man says as he walks up to me.

"No, I taught myself, is there something you need of me my lord?" I question already fed up with his attitude.

Just as he was about to say something Ay decides to make an appearance. He walks right to the man and stands beside him and for a split second I think something weird is going on.

"Nahkt, this is Neferure she is going to be serving the King and Queen, she just began training today as well, perhaps you could teach her a few things?" Ay asked as Nahkt looks at me as if he were incredibly insulted.

"A woman warrior? Father it is bad enough with Talani but now her? How could she possibly be of any use?" Nahkt asks his father not taking his eyes off of me.

"She would be very useful for just like you said, who would expect a woman warrior. I suggest you train with her for it may get you in better graces with the Pharaoh." Ay sighs as he takes my hand as well as Nahkts and makes us hold hands. "You two can either be the best of friends or worst of enemies, you chose."

That's when it hits me, my memory decides to help me out here. Nahkt was the super nosy one who I was suppose to distract. Great now I have to play suck up, a role I truly hated.

"I would be more then honored to train with you my lord." I say with a slight bow of my head then quickly look back up.

It was a bit funny to see shock written all over his face. Nahkt nods and grips my hand. I didn't know if he was just going along with it for his father or what he was planning but I knew this guy was up to something. Ay apparently was pleased by what he saw as he smiled and walked away from us. The minute he was out of sight Nahkt narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you playing at?" Nahkt asks and my brain goes into panic mode and only one option comes to my mind, lie my arse off.

"Forgive me my lord, I had just wanted to be close with you, seeing you in a different light I can now see you have been blessed by the gods." I say as I walk forward closing the distance between us.

Ok I really wasn't lying up close he was really handsome and I mean yeah I had just met him but I knew I had to distract him while Hannah hunted down the woman we were after so if I had to flirt then that is what I would do.

"Neferure is your name correct?" Nahkt asks me to which I nod in reply. "Beauty of Ra, you do have it but do not try and play games with me, Ka is much more gullible then I am."

No! Oh great he doesn't believe me! What do I do?! Something drastic ok what could be drastic enough to just shock the heck out of him. Once again only one idea popped into my mind. Looking deep into his eyes I leaned forward and kissed him. Yeah I know probably not the best idea but I am doing what I can. The surprise for me though was when he kissed me back  and grabbed my head pulling me closer to him and deepening our kiss.

"Ah the servant girl and the noble boy, I do wonder how this will work out?" I hear an obnoxious female voice say.

Nahkt barely pulls away from me and looks into my eyes I can't tell if he thinking I am trying to trick him or if he really believes me.  Taking my arm he actually moved me to where I stood behind him and he stood tall before the woman I now recognized as the Queen. Great, she had horrible freaking timing.

"What will you father think of this?" the queen laughed as she looked at us.

"What would your husband think of you and his best friend?" Nahkt fires right back at her and she looks completely shocked as if no one could have figured out her secret.

"How dare you insult your queen like that, my husband and I are very happy together, we have just not been blessed by the gods yet for a child." the queen states and I can even see a bit of sadness and fear in her eyes.

Nahkt doesn't back down though, even though he just met me he had somewhat stood up for me and I was actually happy about that. Still the queen looked like she wanted to kill us right then and there. Her long robes flowed as she circled Nahkt and myself.

"I didn't know you would bring whores to your bed Nahkt, after all you are still pure and I doubt the same could be said for her." The queen continues and at this point her insults don't even phase me.

"I believe that is my choice to me and I believe Ka is looking for you." Nahkt said motioning for her to look behind her where Ka in fact did stand.

Ka looked confused as he walked forward and joined the Queen at her side. Well this was one big recipe for disaster. Something you would think I would be use to by now. Ka barely touched the queen and she pulled away from him clearly she didn't want Nahkt or myself to think that he was right when he accused her of cheating on her husband though no one could really prove if she did.

"What is going on here?" Ka asked all of us.

"Nothing, the queen was bidding us a good night and I was showing Neferure where she could get some food." Nahkt said as he looked to Ka then back to the queen. "Goodnight, my queen."

Nahkt bowed just a little which I repeated as he took my hand and lead me out of the room.

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