Part 8

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Abigail's POV (Neferure)

I really know how to get myself into messes, it must be a god given gift. Standing beside Ka with both look at Aro as we explain our offer to him and he looks at us like we must be crazy. At this point even I think that is crazy but this may be the only way to save him so he better go with it. Aro looks between Ka and I and looks as though he is thinking very hard.

"You want me to show your soldiers how to fight like Romans and you won't kill me. That is the offer?" Aro questions and Ka seems to find insult in just that sentence.

"It's better than just killing you now, don't you think?" Ka states as he walks from my side and begins to circle Aro as if he were prey.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, Aro manages to make eye contact with me and I try to tell him with my eyes to just accept the offer so that he lives. Aro does roll his eyes but once Ka stands before him again Aro does manage to no accepting our offer and relieving my mind a lot.

"Of course, I accept the offer, thank you for sparring my life." Aro states slowly bowing his head.

"Ha, it wasn't me, it was Neferure, she was the one who begged the Pharaoh for your life. Now you shall be dressed as an Egyptian and sent to the soldiers to start their training. In a few days we ride into battle, I do pray to the guards that you have them prepared." Ka chuckles as he turns and looks at me now. "Come Neferure, we shall tell the Pharaoh the good news."

Without even waiting for my answer Ka grabs my arm and begins to lead me away from Aro. The last look on his face was grief-stricken and pain. He may hate me now but at least I was able to save Aro's life, just like he had saved mine. Ka and I finally reached inside the palace and once again he had my back to a wall. I really and loosing my patience with this guy and I really want to knock him on his arse. Ka looked me over and smiled brightly.

"You think you were able to save his life now, but in battle not even you will be able to save him. You are to protect the Pharaoh." Ka tells me as he takes his right hand and caresses my face.

"Leave her be Ka, after all the Queen would hate to know she has competition from a servant girl." Nahkt called out to Ka as he walked forward. "She was looking for you, I suggest you go find her."

Ka grimaced as he turned away from me to look at Nakht to see if he was serious. Nothing but seriousness was written of Nakht's face. Ka quickly turned away from me and left the room. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding Nahkt came forward and embraced me. I quickly hugged him back because over the past few days whenever I was in his arms I felt safe. He was someone who did care for me and wanted nothing from me in return. Pulling away just for a moment Nahkt brushed the hair from my face.

"You must try and save everyone mustn't you?" Nakht joked as he held me close to him. "I hate knowing you will be riding into battle with Ka, sharing a chariot with him does mean you could push him off though."

"Don't tempt me because I have thought about it more then once." I smile as I look up at him. "Nahkt, I will do the best I can with the Pharaoh and I will try to return."

I start my speech which I had been thinking up but Nahkt took his finger and put it over my lips silencing me as he placed his forehead against my own. Not knowing what else to do I waited to see what else would happen.

"You will return, when you do I will ask the Pharaoh myself for permission to court you and after a while, as our happiness grows I hope one day you will allow me to call you my wife." Nahkt whispers to me.

My heart nearly exploded and the butterflies in my stomach were doing summersaults. I didn't know if this was a proposal or something for me to think about when I fought to try and make sure that I didn't die and when I came back I would have someone besides Hannah to come back to. I felt Nahkt move his head and look down at me.

"With your permission of course, you must be able to tell how I feel for you. The only thing that scares me is that it happened so fast. Please Neferure please tell me you share the same feelings that I do?" Nahkt questions as he holds onto me.

"I do, my feelings for you are stronger than any that I have had before." My mouth replies without my head's permission, but at least I knew it was an honest answer.

That was the right answer as Nahkt learned in and kissed me with more passion then I had ever witnessed in my life. Picking me up bridal style I didn't care where we were going as long as I was with him.

Hannah's POV

Ay is beginning to drive me crazy. Sorting all these scrolls there is nothing I can do but obey the pain in the arse. Still I manage to learn a lot about Ancient Egypt from him. Since he knew I was a "slave" he began to teach me how to read and write hieroglyphics. Something I caught onto pretty fast though. Just as I was about to finish reading a report on crops a strange woman walks into the library and most of her body is covered in a black outfit and the only thing you can see are her eyes through a slit. It was creepy needless to say.

"Enchantress, what brings you to the library?" Ay says standing up and walking to the woman.

"I have come here for the scroll I brought with me upon coming here. Please fetch it for me and bring it to my room as soon as you find it." The woman says and with those words she leaves as quickly as she came.

"She is the royal enchantress, able to see the outcome of anything, even battles." Ay says obviously knowing I would be curious about the woman.

Thinking back through all the history I knew of King Tut and his court never did I remember anything abut an enchantress. This was something either brand new or someone written out by history on purpose.

"As a matter of fact she showed up just a few weeks before you and your sister arrived." Ay states as he begins to look through the library for the scroll the woman talked about.

Oh no! Then that is the woman I have been looking for! She is the one that was changing history! I had to find Abigail and let her know what was happening. Turning to Ay I could see he was pretty distracted.

"I shall return my lord, I must go fetch something from the kitchens!" I lie as I make a run for it.

Running through the halls I run as fast as I can as I burst into Abigail's room only to find her not there. Sneaking to the viewing balcony of the shoulders I check to see if she was there either only to be disappointed. Where in the world could that woman be?! I have something important to tell her and now of course I can't find her. Sighing I begin to search for her when I can hear two people, a man and a woman. Following the noise I reach a door when I can now make out what the two are doing and cover my mouth in shock.

"They have been in there for twenty minutes." Ka says stepping out from the shadows eating and apple. "He can enjoy your sister now but mark my words I will make her mine."

"I don't understand, you have the queen, why would you want anyone else?" I question Ka who just smirks at me.

"The Queen merely uses me to try and become with child, one that will live and one day become King. Our Pharaoh has failed five times already so she had to seek outside help. Neferure is nothing like the queen, that is what attracts me to her. Keep it a secret though, or I shall have to kill you." Ka smile and then begins to walk away but stops and looks back at me. "You may want to look for her tomorrow, I doubt Nahkt will let her go tonight."

Too much info for me. Ka turned and walked off as I went back to my room. Well obviously Abigail was busy and now I had to find a way to keep her safe while she was with Ka too! Sighing I look to the mirror when a familiar voice comes through.

"Hannah, can you hear me?" Fred questions.

"Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear Fred." I tell him and then begin to tell him everything that had happened. I do mean everything too,

"Oh, well what a pickle she is in now. You think this Ka will actually do anything to well anyone?" Fred asks me.

"I don't know but he definitely gives off the crazy vibe big time."

"Well just keep us informed if we have to intervene then we will. Over and out." Fred signs off.

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