Segment vote with Ticci

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I has a few ideas for a Segment, and decided you the viewers can help me decide on one! I know I have my art critiques, I'll start those back up around January when things are slower for me. c:

Anyway, here are my ideas.

1. Ask Ticci - I've wanted to do this for ages. Anyone can ask a question, and I'll respond to it. No, not the simple 'Let me type you a reply' one, I'll literally do a doodle of me answering it for you guys.

2. Mini comedy comics - I've been thinking of a comic for a while. Short, single page mini comics that are hopefully funny!

3. Weekly Doodles with Ticci - Another doodle thing. This will contend with you guys giving me a drawing challenge and I'll attempt it every weekend (Most likely Saturday)


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