Chapter 12 : Making a plan

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Chapter 12
Days later...

Middle of the night...

Riker POV

"Ericka, wake up," I whined.

"Riker, it's the middle of the night..."

"But I thought of a plan to get that evaluation guy fired."

"Riker, tell me in the morning..."

"No! If I had a nightmare, you'd talk to me! Please!"

"Ok fine, what?"

"What if we get him fired for having drugs in his possession?"

"Riker, where are we going to get drugs from?"

"The drug addicts that are in here!"

"Riker, how would they have drugs? They're supposed to be getting better."

"I don't know how they have drugs, but they do! And if we can get some, and put it in his office, and then tell on him, maybe we could get him fired!"

"You're insane..."

"Can't we try!?"

"I guess... But not right now. I'm going back to sleep."



Ericka POV

"Wake up!"

I opened my eyes.

"How do you have so much energy all of a sudden?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I want to get him fired so we can get out of here and be together forever!"

I laughed.

"You're crazy, Riker."

"Ok, but I thought of something. What if we tell Matt the plan? He could help us!"

"Riker, I doubt Matt would help us. He could get fired if someone found out what he was doing."

I sighed.

"Well it would be easier if he helped."

Ericka sighed.

"Riker, don't be dumb about this."

"Ok, fine. How about this? I'll try to get drugs from someone. And if I can, we'll do the plan ourselves. But if I can't, we tell Matt, and see if he'll help. Ok?"

"Fine... But when are you going to try to get drugs?"

"Probably during lounge time. There's a bathroom in there, so I can talk to the person, and then they can go to the bathroom, and then I'll go in too, and we can do the exchange thingy in secret."

"Riker, you're forgetting something. 2 things, actually."


"First, whoever has the drugs probably isn't going to give them to you for free. They're probably going to want something in return. And second, they only allow one person to go to the bathroom at a time."

"Why? It's not a single person bathroom."

"I know, but it's just for safety reasons. They don't want any fights or whatever."

"Ok... Well... I'll find someone who has drugs, see what they want in return, get what they want in return, and then... Ooh, I got it! They'll go to the bathroom, and then I'll pretend to need to go really bad so they'll let me go too, and then we'll exchange stuff, we'll go plant the drugs, and boom! Fired!"

"Riker... How are we going to plant the drugs in his office? It's not like we can sneak out. Matt needs to take us everywhere we go."

"True... Ok, how about this? He can walk us both to group therapy, and when we're almost there, I'll take off running down the hall, he'll chase me, and you can go plant the drugs. I'll just pretend I got scared."

I sighed.

"Riker, I really don't think we should be doing this. We could get in a lot of trouble for this."

"I know, but we'll never get out of here if he's still the evaluator dude. We have to try."

"And what if you can't find someone with drugs?"

"We'll tell Matt the plan, he can plant the drugs, and boom, fired."

"Riker, what if he won't do it?"

"Then... I don't know! I just hope it works!"

Ericka sighed.

"Riker, I really don't know about this..."

"Well if we sit on our butts and don't do anything, we won't get anywhere."

"Riker, we could get better, get evaluated, and get out. Why can't we just do that?"

"Because that guy's going to be nit picky, and we are not perfect people like he wants us to be! We will never meet his expectations!"

Ericka sighed again.

"Alright... Well when are we going to do all of this?"

"I don't know... We have group therapy today. I'll listen closely and see who has problems with drugs, and then talk to them at lounge time. See? Easy!"

"Riker, if we get in trouble-"

"Then you can blame me, ok!?"

"And you're not scared to do this?"

"No! I just want to get out so I can finally be your boyfriend!"

Ericka smiled.

"Just please be careful, and try not to get us in trouble."

"I will try my best!"

Ericka hugged me tight.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do without you, Riker."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't be able to do this without you making me stop going under the bed."

I kissed her cheek and then pulled away from the hug.

"Riker. We're not out yet."

"Chill! It was just a cheek kiss! I couldn't help it!"

Ericka smiled.

"Fine. But cheek kisses only."

"Does that mean I get to do it again?"

She gave me a look.

"Come on! I love you, you love me! A cheek kiss won't do any harm."

"Fine. One more."


I kissed her cheek again.

Matt opened the door, and brought us breakfast. Now all we have to do is wait until group therapy, and the plan can begin.

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