Running with the Pack

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Crystal's POV
I was running, when I said running, I meant running. My paws stretched out in front of me at blinding speed. I heard rapid paw steps behind me, there were around thirty five or so wolves behind me. I let a wolfish grin spread on my face as my best trackers and fighters fell in step behind pack.
My name is Crystal Clemson. I am the female Alpha of the Silver Fur Pack. I'm 5"2', 17 years old, I have green eyes, long brunette hair, and a toned body. I don't think I'm pretty, but my pack keeps trying to tell me differently. I push faster, my muscles stretching across my body under my silver white fur, glinting in the sunlight pouring through the trees.
I know what you might be thinking, a 17 year old girl being the Alpha of a 3,000+ pack, the second strongest in America, how is the possible? Well it's not easy. I still haven't found my mate, both of my parents are dead, my brother became the Alpha of his mate's pack, so I was left alone to to be the leader of the Silver Fur Pack.
With both of our parents dying when I was 15, my little sister was 14, and my brother 17 and already an Alpha, I took over the pack. I got used to it pretty quick, juggling my pack duties as Alpha, with school, helping my brother, protecting the pack, my sister, and keeping my head on straight. I quickly became the strongest/fiercest fighter, tracker, leader, and person in the pack. My pack was happy with me, was happy with them, and we were growing stronger than we ever thought we would.
The pack house quickly came into view, the training yard full of people practicing, playing, and having fun. As we got closer, we kept our speed up, then I jumped into the air, shifting back into my human form, when I landed, I kept running, not missing a beat. My fighters and trackers did the same behind me, and we all came to a stop as we reached the field. I looked at the aside from me, my Beta (Derek Rowel), Omega (Keith Jackson), Delta (Victor Smith), and Gamma (Steven Helms); only a few of the other wolves weren't panting.
Normally we would have shifted in the woods and gotten dressed out of everyone's sight, because when we shift, everything we wear, just gets shredded; but by happy mistake we found out that spandex, leggings, compression shorts, and tight exercise bras, morph with us since they are like a second skin. So instead of standing butt naked and humiliated in front of everyone, the guys are in their compression shorts, girls in their spandex/leggings and exercise bras, all the important parts covered. I was wearing spandex shorts and a tight exercise bra, showing off my toned arms, abs, and toned legs.
"Ok, that was a nice run, Beta Rowel, I want you to take half of the fighters and trackers and do border control, I'll meet and check up with you in a few. Omega Jackson, take the other half of the fighters to the left field I want them practicing with daggers. Delta Smith I want you to take half of the trackers and put their skills to work. Gamma Helms take the other half and have them in hand-to-hand combat then swap your group with Delta Smith's group in thirty min. After a hour you are all dismissed." I said to the group. "Yes Alpha!" they reply in unison.
I open my mind link with my officers, 'Guys be in the office when school is over tomorrow, we have some pack business to attend to.' 'Hey CC, is it just me or were some of the fighters more out of breath than normal?' replied Victor. I chewed on my lip, 'Yeah I noticed it. We need to work on their stamina. Some of them are getting too old to fight. ' 'Sounds like its time to start training some new people' said Derek. 'Are you guys able to look over some new training?' asked Steven. 'I might be able to pick a few more up.' replied Keith. 'Ok. We'll talk more about it during the meeting.' I said, pulling from the mind link.
I sigh walking into the huge mansion, it only houses visitors, officers, and their families. The little town homes that line the road hold the rest of the pack families. I walk up to the second level, grab my shirt and leggings, put them on, then walk into my office. There are stacks of paper on my desk, as I go through them I sigh, tons of paper work to fill out, boarder recognition to sign, treaties with other packs to approve, and ally news to read. Nothing exciting just that Alpha Jonathan Parker and his Beta, Chris Martin, are back and enrolling again into our school. I roll my eyes. I'm new to the school because I just transferred to North Pierce High this year since my old High School got overran with humans. I sift through the mail, letters all addressed to me from male Alphas in the packs around ours. I opened one up, just to confirm what I already know....they are all mating and marriage proposals...fml. I'm only 17 and the Alpha of a huge pack, I still haven't found my mate, and now the other Alphas are trying to get me. Fat chance of that happening. I throw the letters away into the trash, get up, and leave to meet Victor for boarder patrol.

Jonathan's POV

"Chris I swear dude, you take for freaking ever to shower. You do realize that the pack meeting is in less than a hour" I yelled through the bathroom oak door as I walk past. He yells something, but I can't understand him. knowing him it was probably some smart ass remark. I continue walking down the hall to my room, grabbing my clothes off my bed, and changing. I stand at a solid 6 feet, reddish brown hair, green eyes, 8pack abs, V-lines, you get the picture. I'm all muscle. I pull my jeans on, grab my v-neck T-shirt, and walk down to the basement. Its actually a huge game room, but once a month it turns into the meeting hall for the fighters and trackers in the pack. The house used to be able to hold the whole pack for meetings, but now thats pretty hard considering there is 4,000+ of us versus the original 200. I sigh, walking over to my table, grabbing my report papers, and passing them out onto each seat. Within twenty minuets of me getting down there and setting things out, my officers were sitting next to me, my Beta Chris Martin on my right, Gamma Kent Smith on my left, Delta Patrick Mullins next to Chris, and Omega Grant Carpenter by Kent. 'Hey John you read all that mail your getting in your office?' Chris mind linked with me. 'No, not yet. I've been a little busy since we got back.' I replied. 'Your totally missing it. Alpha Denison from NorthMoon Pack is offering his daughter to you to unite the packs.' Hearing what Chris said, I almost face planted into the table, marrying anyone besides my mate? Hell no. 'Chris you're not suppose to be going through that stuff.' I reply keeping my expression blank. 'Not my fault you left it on the floor of the office.' he snorts. I give him a cold glare. He stops talking, bending his head in surrender. Outside of my pack I'm know as cold and heartless. I mean you'd have to be when you get shoved into the Alpha position at 17 right? My pack knows my reputation with fighting, so no one dares to make the Alpha mad.
(Jonathan maybe we should take one of the Alphas offers.) says Bennett my wolf. (Are you kidding me? Your the one that flips out if I kiss a girl who isn't my mate.) there was a pause. (What if we never meet her? The pack needs a Luna.) he whines. (Yeah and that Luna is going to be our mate. We will find her.) I can feel him perk up a little at my words. I knew how much we missed our mate, every time we go off to a battle and the other fighters/trackers say bye to their mates, I feel a pain at the fact we haven't found ours yet.
Everyone is in their seats now, the meeting starts up, we talk about all the boring things, finances, borders, alliances, and rouges we've spotted. After a long hour, the meeting is finished, and it turns into a social event. The whole pack its gathering around bonfires in the field behind the pack house. I go to the edge of the woods, take off my clothes behind a tree, then I shift into my wolf. It has jet black fur, and silver on my paws and a little line of silver over my left eye. I run into the forest, just letting my legs take me to the border.
Millions of thoughts were running through my mind, my pack was getting bigger I needed to expand our land to support us. The only problem with that is to expand territory you have to either take over another pack's territory by force, marriage, or by merging packs together, although that rarely happens because Alphas can get really possessive and hate giving up their leadership.

All of a sudden I found myself in the human territory, my wolf and I finally starting to enjoy our run, when Chris mentle messaged me, 'John dude, we have school tomorrow and you have some things to do here at the pack house.' I growled out loud, turned around, and ran back to the pack house.

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