Chapter 20 Victoria

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Charlotte's POV

Daniel had warned me about going to introduce Emily to my parents but I had to. I started walking to Grayson Manner when Emily started crying.  I started rocking her and then decided to go down onto the beach.  I put her tiny feet on the sand and she crawled on the warm sand. I then picked her up and held her in the cold water but she enjoyed it. She is going to be a water baby, I thought. once she had calmed down I walked over to the peer and watched the ocean ahead of me. I Walked up the wooden walk way leading into Grayson Manner and went straight to my mothers room where she was standing at her balcony looking down at Emily's beach house as usual. 

'mother' I said quietly. she was startled by my voice.

'Charlotte?  What are you doing here?' she started and then her eye got caught on Emily in my arms. 'Charlotte!  how dare you disobey me! I told you to have an abortion! you disgust me! get out!' she screamed making Emily.

'Shh Emily its okay!  you disgust me even more mother! The fact that you don't want to meet your own granddaughter! ' I said rocking Emily.

'Please don't tell me you named her Emily? You despise me! And where have you been these past few months? ' she asked me.

'yes mother, I named her Emily because Emily is caring and I want my children to be like her! You told me to leave! Now you want me to stay and chat? Where's dad? ' I asked getting angry.

'Charlotte please just come back! I want to meet her!' I could hear her voice echoing behind me.

I walked straight into my father's study and he was sitting in his chair.

'Charlie! What a surprise and who is this little girl?' he asked getting up and I handed  Emily to him.

'this is your new granddaughter Emily! ' I told him.

'wow! congratulations Charlie! She looks like Declan and has your beautiful eyes! ' He told me.

'Thanks dad! At least you care, mother didn't even want to meet her!" I told him.

'Don't listen to your mother darling,  she doesn't know what to do with herself any more! ' He said taking a sip of his whiskey.

'Dad? ' I asked him.

'yes darling? ' he replied.

'Do you like Emily Thorne? ' I asked him while he played with baby Emily.

'yes, I like miss Thorne, she is a very, ahh whats the word? Ah right intelligent! ' he beamed.  'why you asking darling? ' he asked.

'She and Daniel are havind twins and her due date is in four days!'  I exclaimed.

'Wow that's great! Remind me later to go drop of a little gift for them! ' he said.

'Okay dad! I must go now, its getting late and it's Emily's bed time!' I said picking her up out of is arms.

'Bye baby girl and nice to meet my beautiful granddaughter! ' he said pouring more whiskey. 

'Thanks dad, see you soon!' I said walking out the door trying to avoid my mother. 

I walked back to the House and Emily and Daniel were sitting on the porch swing drinking wine and grape juice for Ems.

'How did it go? ' Emily asked me.

'It went well with my dad! But not so good with my mother,  she said I despise her because I disobeyed her orders to have an abortion! What a monster!' I told them. 'Coming now, just putting Emily to sleep!' I said and disappeared into my room. We had and extra cot in my room because there was no baby nursery in the beach house.  I put her to sleep and then went back outside and sat on the steps and spoke to Daniel and Emily for the rest of the night until we all fell asleep in the lounge. 


Daniel's POV

I woke up on the floor in the living room. Emily was on the couch fast asleep and Charlotte was on the other. It was so peaceful for once, no screaming babies and no traffic, just the waves crashing on the sandy beach.

I got up and made some coffee and sat back down on the floor. Emily then woke up and smiled at me.

'Want some coffee babe?' I asked her.

'Yes please babe! That would be great thanks' she said yawning.

I got up to go pour some coffee into her favourite mug. I handed her the steaming mug and sat down again.

'Why are you on the floor? ' She asked laughing at me.

'Well the couches are occupied! 'I said laughing. She then looked at Charlotte sleeping peacefully.

'I'm going to check on Emily. ' She said putting her mug down onto the table.

I got onto the couch and fell asleep.

Emily's POV

I cane back from Charlotte's room and Daniel had fallen asleep on the couch!

'Daniel! wake up! ' I said tickling his feet.

'mmm go away' he said kicking his feet.

'Daniel! you have to get up! We are going to the hospital today!' I Said but he just moaned. Charlotte then woke up.

'What am I doing on the couch? ' she asked confused.

'We fell asleep in the living room last night!' I said laughing.

'Oh haha!' She said yawning . 'going to go check on Emily.' she said walking away.

'just checked on her, she is still sleeping and so is this monkey! ' I said poking Daniel.

'Thanks Ems. What are the plans for today? ' She asked.

'Going for an ultrasound, wanna come?' I asked her.

'yeah sure! would love to!  and Daniel is he coming? ' she asked.

'if I can get him to wake up! ' I said clapping my hands. 

'I'm up!' He beamed 'morning Char!' he said to Charlotte.

'Morning sleepy head!' she said.  'I'm going to shower!' she said turning and walked into her room.

'Daniel I'm going to! you better be ready by the time I come down stairs! ' I warned him.

'yes babe! I will be up! ' he moaned. And I went upstairs to run a bath.

A/N done! sorry if its bad, wrote it at 12 o'clock at night! xx

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