Chapter 36 back home

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No one's POV

Emily was discharged from the hospital two days later. Daniel and Emily went home with the twins and placed their wedding picture on fire place mantle. They sat and admired the picture for a long time before Daniel took Emily upstairs to bed. Emily had fallen asleep in Daniel's arms. Her legs weren't covered so Daniel leaned over her body and put the covers over her legs and then kissed her forehead and put his head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Emily was awoken by a baby crying. She sat up and looked at the clock, it was two am. She got out of bed yawning and stretching her arms above her head. She slowly walked down the stairs and into the baby nursery. She looked into the cot and Josh was crying, she picked him and sat down on the rocking chair and let him feed.

'Why did you have to wake mummy up? Go to sleep baby.' She said kissing his forehead and placing him back into his cot. She left the room with a smile on her face. Josh had gone back to sleep without a sound and Emily went back up stairs to bed.

'Where did you go honey?' Daniel asked sitting up.

'Didn't you hear Josh crying?' She asked getting back under the covers.

'I didn't hear him? Why was he crying?' Daniel asked wrapping his arms around his wife.

'He was hungry, but he is asleep now. I'm going to sleep.' She said putting her head on the pillow.

Daniel leaned in and kissed her forehead and went back to sleep.

---the next day--

Emily awoke again with a start. She had a nightmare,she was dripping with sweat and tears were rolling down her wet face. She got up and got into her swimming costume and went down to the beach. She first stood in the cool water looking out into the wide ocean. She droped her towl and ran into the water. She swam for ages until Daniel came down to the beach and called her.

'Babe! We need to go, we are going on our honeymoon remember!' Daniel called from the beach.

'Sorry! I completely lost track of the time!' ' Emily said walking out the water.

'Its okay' Daniel said handing her her towel.

They walked back to the house and Emily went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. She washed her hair and then climbed out the shower. She put on her white dress that Charlotte has especially picked out for the honeymoon. She went down stairs and Daniel was waiting foir her with thte twins on either sides of his hips.

'Are you ready to go honey?' Daniel asked her.

'Daniel, before we go I need to tell you something.' She said.

'What is it Em?' Daniel asked.

'Its about my dream... Well nightmare actually, that I had last night. ' Emily said sitting on the chair.

'What about it Em?' Daniel asked sitting down next to her.

'I dreamt that we were on our way to the Bahamas, we had been drinking anf we had one two many and Daniel you went rougue..' She pauseed and a tear slid down her face.

'Em, what did I do?' He asked trying to hide his emotions.

' shot me.' Emily said now sobbing her eyes out.

'Oh my gosh Em.' Daniel said bringing Emily into his arms.

'Why do I keep having these dreams Daniel?' She cried.

'I don't know Em, but they are not real! And I will not be shooting my wife!' Daniel explained to her.

'I hope you are right!' Emily said laughing.

'I'm always right!' Daniel said kissing her forehead.

'Let's go we don't want to be late for our own honeymoon.' Emily said while picking up the twins and walking out the house.

A/N: hope you like it! I will be updating again soon, maybe in a few minutes because I am in the car on my way to the beach! Please vote and comment!



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