Chapter 40 A Whole New Level

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It had been one week since the kidnapping of Emily and Daniel Grayson and their children. They had been kept in a cold, dark cell at the bottom of Aiden's so called house. Aiden had been preoccupied over the past week so he did not have time to dispose of the newly wedded Grayson family. He had been stalling things, he was not sure if he still wanted to go through with the plan. Maybe Victoria was right and this was no way to repay him. But to him if you start something you have to finish it, but then again, he always thought of Emily Thorne and her revenge, how she just dropped it for the man that she loved. Aiden thought again, he wondered about his first love Helena, they had been married but the initiative killed her and left Aiden with nothing but revenge. He remembers the first time he set eyes on Emily Thorne, she was fighting Takeda out on the deck looking out into the Indian Ocean. He walked up to them and Emily looked at him and then looked away again. Takeda then took him in and he trained with Emily to help destroy the people that took their lives away.

The sound of Nolan Ross's keys clanged together as he threw them onto the kitchen counter.

'Dammit!' He yelled.

He slammed open the draw and took out his laptop. He placed it on the counter and turned it on. The sweet sound of connectivity hit him with a boom. He had not touched any sort of technology after he was let out of prison, he believed that life no longer needed technology but he was obviously wrong. He started going through old files and looking at the red tracker beeping where Emily's phone still lay. He picked up his phone and dialed the police department.

'Hi this is detective Williams, what can I do for you?' His voice echoed.

'This is Nolan Ross and I am reporting information about the Grayson family kidnapping.' Nolan said nervously.

'Would youcome down to the station please?' Detective Williams asked.

'I will be there in less then ten minutes.' he said and then slamming the phone against his newly painted wall. He looked up and saw the mark on the wall left by the impact of the phone being thrown halfway across the room.

'Shit!' He cried.

'He was in a total state. He did not know what to do, he promised David Clarke that he would look after his little girl and now he had lost all hope of ever seeing her again. Although there was some kind of hope but that little beeping red light had just gone black. Nolan started crying, he could not help it he just broke down right then and there.

He could not just sit there, he thought. He needed to do something and could not just let Emily go, she meant far to much for him just to let go. He grabbed his car keys and ran to his car. He got into the drivers seat of his new Aston Martin and put the keys into the ignition. He sped away and eventually arrived at the police station.

'Are you Nolan Ross? I believe that you have found a lead on the disaperaence of the Grayson family?' the detective asked willingly even though he clearly knew who Nolan Ross is.

'I don't think that I am much help at all right now. You see when I gave you the call just a few moments ago the red light showing where Emily's phone was, was beeping and alive. Now it is dead and gone! ' Nolan explained showing him the laptop.

'Where was the last time the tracker was alive?' He asked.

'Right over here.' He said pointing to a road.

'But that's Aiden Mathis's house? He has not been seen for months!' The detective explained.

'But that's just it. Aiden Mathis. He still loves Emily and wants to get revenge!' Nolan told him.

'I do not think that that is entirely possible Mr Ross, some one that wants to get revenge on a past lover for falling in love with another? Who would be stupid enough to go through with such a unrealistic plan?' He said smiling.

'Amanda Clarke.' Nolan said.

'What? Amanda Clarke is dead Mr Ross!' He exclaimed.

'She certainly is not for me! You don't get it do you? Emily Thorne is Amanda Clarke!' Nolan blurted out.

'Is this some sort of a game to you Mr Ross?' He said laughing.

'This is no game Detective, this is the truth even ask her mother.' Nolan said.

'How do you know this?' He asked.

'I know this because i helped her avenge her fathers death! And if you are just going to stand here ans stare blankly into space I would like to find her now! ' Nolan yelled and ran out of the door screaming and crying.


Emily's POV

I could not control it any more, every morning I was sick. Always at the same time I'd run to the toilet and Daniel would help me. Daniel had a wide gash on his face and Rebecca and Joshua were sick. We hadn't made it to the Bahamas after all, we had been kidnapped by someone, but we still had not found out who it was yet.

'DANIEL! Help me! ' I cried sitting with my head in the toilet.

He came running and at next to me and held my hair up.

'Ems what happening? We have been kidnapped for god sake's! You are sick, I need stitches, Joshua and Rebecca are sick with pneumonia! We could die any day now Ems! We need to get out one way or another!' Daniel exclaimed.

'Go to the door and call for someone, say that we need a Doctor. Say that the twins are going to die if we don't do anything. Just try anything Daniel.' I said leaning against the wall.

'okay Ems I will try.' He said walking away from me.

Daniel's POV

I went over to the door and started banging on it. The twins started crying but I just ignored them and carried on banging.

'Hello?? IS ANY ONE OUT THERE? My wife needs help and my children are sick! We are going to die if you don't do SOMETHING!' I yelled emphasizing the word something.

I waited for answer but there was none.

'Just PLEASE! Help us! Just let us go and tell us why we are here! Please! I beg of you just let us OUT!' I yelled. i waited for an answer but again there was none.

'Scream louder Daniel!' I heard Emily yell. Her voice was weak and croaky. I needed to save my family and I was going to do that now!

'OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR AND LET US OUT, YOU ARROGANT LITTLE FOOL!' I yelled banging and kicking the door like crazy. I heard foot steps and I felt relived.

'ANY ONE!! PLEASE JUST OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!!' I yelled even louder.

The locked clicked open and I stood back bracing myself to find out who it was.

'Shut up you coward and grow up!' His voice boomed and then he stood right in front of me with a grin on his pale face.


A/N: hahaha! Sort of a cliffhager but not really. Hope you all are having a great 2014 so far!? thanks for reading and please vote and comment!



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