Chapter 27 Wedding Planning

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Emily's POV

I walked down to the beach and put my feet in the cold water. I looked down at my feet and I could see my reflection in the water. I stood in the water for a long time and my feet were going numb so I did not feel anything.


David and Amanda were standing in the ice cold water.

'Come on Amanda is not that cold!' David said jokingly.

'It is cold Daddy!' She cried.

'Just sink your feet into the sand and your feet will soon go numb and you won't be able to feel a thing!' David told her.

She got back into the water and sunk her feet deep into the sand. She started giggling.

'See I told you Amanda!' David said laughing.


Daniel walked to me and hugged me from behind.

'Come Ems, lets go to bed.' He said swooping me up like a baby.

'Haha! Daniel put me down!' I cried in a jokingly way.

'Never!' He cried carrying me up the stairs.

'Daniel!' I laughed. 'I have to feed the twins!' I yelled.

'The twins can wait. You can feed them after the tickle war.' Daniel laughed.

'No way Daniel!' I cried but it was to late, he was tickling me and we were laughing.

'Okay, enough Daniel!" I said taking a deep breath.

'Okay babe, you go feed the twins.' He said getting off me and kissing my forehead at the same time.

I got up and picked Becca out of her cot. I sat down on the bed and undid my top. Once she was done I put her back and got Josh. When I was done I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

-----next morning-----

I woke up and Daniel was out of bed. Normally I'm up before Daniel, why was he up so early today? I got out of bed and went to check on the twins, they were sleeping peacefully. I heard a noise downstairs and called out for Daniel.

'Daniel?' I called. Daniel came running upstairs with a worried look on his face.

'I'm here Em, what's wrong' He asked me.

'I'm fine I just heard something downstairs and I did not know who it was so I called you.' I told him.

'Em it was just me in the kitchen.' Daniel told me laughing.

'What?' I said smiling.

'I love the way you panic, it makes me laugh!' He said kissing my cheek.

'Daniel!' I said laughing. 'What were you doing in the kitchen?' I asked.

'I was making us breakfast, you know because we are planning our wedding today! Cake tasting and honeymoon ideas!' He said with a huge smile across his face.

'I hope you didn't burn down the house! And today is a big day!' I said picking Becca up because she was now awake.

'Ems, if I burnt down the house you would smell it!' He said laughing. We went back down stairs and Daniel had made an eggs Benedict for breakfast.

'I'm impressed! Where did you learn that from?' I asked.

'I learn from the best!' He said putting the eggs onto my plate.

We sat at the table discussing a few wedding things before the wedding planner came over. We had finished eating and Daniel took our pates to the kitchen. I went up stairs and picked up the twins and brought them down stairs so I could feed them. I then got them dressed and Daniel played with them while I went upstairs for a shower. I got into the shower and let the warm water run down my body. I washed my face and then climbed out. I went into the bed room and a dark green dress was put out on the bed. I grabbed the dress and ran downstairs with my towel wrapped around me.

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