chapter 1: And so it begins

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Candace's P.O.V.

I have my bags packed and waiting for me by the front door of my parent's house. I am taking two duffle bags and a suitcase. Not a whole lot to take with to see the world. But hey, that's why laundry mats were invented. 

I also live in my parents garage apartment.  So I won't have to worry about leaving anything unattended to. Saves me time finding a house sitter. Or hiring someone to come a couple times a week to check things out. 

I will also leaving my '79 souped up Chevy Silverado.  I had it custom painted to be glossy black from one angle. And dark blue from another.

My dad said he would keep it in running condition while I'm out seeing the world. He said he may even drive it. I'm fine with that.

Having parents as landlords help too. Because you know you will always have a place to come back to. If I was renting from someone else,  I'd have to put everything in storage. Which I can afford.  But I would rather not have to.

I bet you are wondering how I'm gonna travel if I leave my truck with my dad. Well, it's simple. I'm either going to be in the greyhound.  Or riding a train. And then there will be times I just get a rental car.

I'm currently standing on the kitchen with my parents and siblings.  We are waiting on LeAnn to get here so she can take me to the train station. My family wanted to take me. But I said no. I know that they will try to talk me out of leaving. Especially momma.

But I have my reason for really leaving.  And my family has no idea what it is.  If my brother ever found out why, he would be severly pissed. He'd be more than pissed.

My whole family would.  But not at me. They would never be mad at me  for the reason I'm leaving.  Just upset that I didn't tell them the whole truth.

"Candy, are you sure you dontv want us to take you? " daddy asks.

"I'm sure Daddy.  LeAnn will be here soon." I tell him.

"I just wish you weren't leaving.  You are going to be so far away. What if something happens?" Momma says.

See I told you she'd try to talk me out of leaving. She doesn't like to have any of away from her. I think it's that empty nest syndrome. 

"Mom, I promise to call and/or text everyday. And I will even send post cards so you can see where I've been."

"Do you pinky promise?"

"Yes, momma, I pinky promise."

"Ok. Don't you forget either. I'm your mom. I'll hunt you down and bring you home." 

" I won't momma." There's a honk. That's Leann. 

"I have to go before I miss the train. I love you all.  I promise to call or text. I will see you all again soon." Then I head to the front of the house and grab my bags.

Leann is in her car waiting.  She's my best friend since diapers. Our parents are friends as well. She doesn't want me to leave. But we made plans for her to join me on my travels when she sorts out her store's staff. She needs a vacation from running her own fashion boutique. 

"Thank you LeaLea, for taking me to the staion." I say when we pull up. " I will see you in 5 days. I love you."

"I love you too dollface.  It's the least I could do. I will see you in 5 days at the train station in Utah. Be careful."

" I will. We are gonna have so much fun!"

"Yes we are!"

"Ok, well I guess we will see each other soon. Love ya."

"Yes we will. Love you too."

And so it begins.  My travels around the USA.

First chapter done!!!! I'm so excited about this book. It will be several chapters before we find out why she decided to leave. I really hope you all like my book.

I won't be putting one of these notes on every chapter.  Just some. Again,  I hope you enjoy.

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