chapter 8: concert 2

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Candace's P.O.V.

We're finally at the concert. I'm so excited. I can't wait for it start. I mean, it's been 4 years since I've been to a concert.

Right now we are in the dressing room with the guys, just relaxing before the concert starts. We still have about 45 minutes before it does. The guys are so chilled out. And I don't understand how they could be. I'm so excited, I'm practically bouncingin my seat.

"Candace, you need to chill." Trent says with a chuckle.

"I can't. I'm to excited to chill. " I retort.

"We can see that." Reed says while laughing.

"Seriously Candy. You need to calm down before you get sick." Leann says.

I give her the death glare. I know what she is saying without her saying it. I just don't want the guys to know. Cause then they probably won't let me watch the concert.

"Fine. How much longer before it starts?" I ask.

About that time, a stage hand comes to tell the guys they should make their way to the stage area. So we all get up and follow the guys. I sway a little. Oh god. Please let this pass.

"Candace, are you ok?" Chris asks as he is right by my side.

"I'm fine. Just a bit light headed. Probally from all that bouncing." I say.

"Are you sure. You look kind of pale. That's it. You are staying in this room. I will have a medic come check you out." He says.

"No I will be fine. Maybe just see if I can have a chair to sit in. I will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea I'm sure. If I'm still feeling like this after the concert, Leann can call a cab and we will go to the er. Ok?"

"Fine. But if you still feel bad, then we will all take you. Ok?"

"Ok. Damn you are so bossy." I say with a small smile.

"Dam straight I am." He says with a chuckle.

We follow the guys to the stage area. Chris has one of the hands get a chair. They make me sit. And hand me a bottle of water.

They have sung 3 songs by now. Leann and I are loving it. They sing some covers of other people's songs. And the sing their own as well.

"Damn! They are really good!" Leann says with a huge smile on her face.

"Told you they were." I say with a big smile ofmy own.

They only have a few more songs to go. And then they will do a meet and great with about 20 fans. Not very many at all. But that's how they do it for now.

"Alright everyone! This last song is not one I've performed for audiences yet. But I hope you like it. It's for a very special lady in my life. And it's for all of you ladies out there who need to hear how beautiful you are." Chris tells the audience.

🎶 Could u be the most beautiful girl in the world?
It's plain to see U're the reason that God made a girl.
When the day turns into the last day of all time, I can say I hope your are in these arms of mine.
And when night falls before that day, I Wil cry. I will cry years of joy. Cuz after you all one can do is die. Oh.🎶

He goes on to finish one of my favorite songs by prince. Through the song, he occasionally looks over at me. But I know that song wasn't for me. I mean we just met yesterday.

After they are done with the concert, they ask how we liked it.

"It was amazing!" I tell them.

"It was the best concert I have ever been too!" Leann says. "Yall were so sexy up there." She says that last part looking at Trent.

"Well, I'm glad y'all enjoyed it. What did you think of the last song?" Chris asks.

"I loved it. Prince is one of my favorite artists." I tell him.

"I'm glad you liked it."he says with a wink.

They are having their meet and greet. And suddenly I feel like I'm gonna pass out. My palms are sweaty. And my vision is starting to blur.

"Leann, I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna......."

And then everything goes black.


Chris's P.O.V.

I'm signing autographs when I see Candace sway. Next thing I know, she is falling. Thank God Leann caught her before she hit her head.

I stop what I am doing and run to her side.

"What happened? " I ask as I'm checking her over for injuries.

"I don't know." Leann says. "She said she didn't feel to good. And next thing I know, she passes out." She tells me as she is crying.

"Sorry folks. We have a medical emergency. And need to cut this short. Hope you enjoyed the concert" Aaron tells the fans as he ushers them out of the meet and greet area.

"I called an ambulance. They had one here already just incase there was something to happen." Reed says. "They will be in here in just a minute." As he says that, the paramedics come through the door.

"Her heart rate is a little elivated." One paramedic says.

"Does anyone here know of any health issues she might have?" the other paramedic asks.

"I'm her best friend." Leann says. "She is pretty healthy. But a week ago, she found out she was pregnant. About 10 weeks along." She says.

Well that explains why she passed out. And also explains why she refused to let us get her a bottle of red wine yesterday. I sure hope her and the baby are gonna be ok.

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