chapter 5: my best friend is coming

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Candace's P.O.V.

We take the elevator to the top floor. There are 2 suites on this floor. And the one we are heading to is the bigger of the 2. I guess it would have to be for 4 very sexy, very generous men.

I mean, they didn't have to offer me to stay in their suite with them. I could have just stayed in a motel. I have before. I'll tell you about that later.

We get to their suite. This place is HUGE!! I mean, I've been in a hotel suite before. My family has money. But I've never been in one this big though.

This suite has 5 bedrooms, all with its own bathroom.  It has a dinning room with a table that seats at least 12 people.  The floor to ceiling windows are awesome.  It also has a descent sizes kitchen.  And a powder room, well ha of bath.

"Wow!" I whisper.

"I know right" Trent says.

"Yeah. This place is beautiful." I tell him.

They show me what room I will be in. It's perfect. I really need to figure out how I'm gonna repay them. They won't let me give them any money for letting me stay with them.  I think I know what I will do.

"Do any of you need anthing from the store? I need to get some more shampoo and conditioner beforr I can take a shower. Or my hair will be a tangled mess if i use the hotel stuff."

"No. But we will go with you." Aaron says.

"No. It's fine. I'll be ok."

"You are not going by yourself.  We are going with." This from Chris. The man is infuriating. Just let these guys 30 minutes ago. And they are acting like my bodyguards.

"Fine. Let's go."

We end going to 2 stores. Wal-Mart for personal items. And king snoopers for some groceries.  I've decided to fix them a good supper for letting me crash the suite. If course at both stores, they never let me pay for anything. This is crazy.

When we get back to the hotel, I decide to fix supper while they are taking their showers. They look like they haven't had a homecooked meal in a long while. 

I decided I would make my homemade lasagna, salad. And some Texas toast. I've also got some beers chilling for the guys. And some sweet tea chilling for me. 

"Mmmm. It smells real good in here." Reed says.

"Yea. I can't wait to eat your lasagna. Last I had lasagna, it was before we started last tour before this one. And it was store bought and frozen." This from Trent.

"I hope you made plenty. I can eat a whole pan." Aaron jokes.

"I could eat it all. Looks and smells so good." Chris says as he peaks in the oven.

"I made 3 big pans. I figured with guys your size, you could all probally put a lot away. And if there are leftovers,  you could eat it for lunch tomorrow. " I tell them.

"I've always loved homemade lasagna the next day." Reed says.

"Same." The other 3 guys say at the same time.

After we've all gotten a plate and something to drink, we all sit down and eat.

"This is delicious!" Chris says.

"The best I've had in a long time." Aaron tells me.

"I think we will take with us for the rest of the tour." This from Trent.

"Yea. I could get used to this.  I wonder what else you can cook." Says Reed.

Their complements make me blush. I know I can cook well. But to have 4 guys you haven't known but only a few hours tell you your cooking is the best they have had in a long time. Well that kinda makes me feel good about myself.

After we have all eaten and food is in the fridge,we load fish washer. Then I head to the room I'm staying in to take my shower.  I didn't want one before I cooked because I always end up getting it all over my clothes anyways.

When I'm donewith my shower,  I put on my comfy basketball shorts and my favorite turquoise tank top. This is my favorite pj outfit. I brush my hair.  Then head to the living room.

I decide to check my facebook.  And while doing this, I get a text from best friend Leann. I cant till she is with me in 2 days!

Lealea: Hey babe. Change of plans.

Me: What? You decided not to come?

Lealea: No I'm coming.  Just earlier then expected.

Me: What? When?

Lealea: I will be in Denver at 9:30 am tomorrow!

Me: Are you shitting me

Lealea: Nope. I am not.

Me: ok. I will be there to get you. Love you!

Lealea: Love you too!  See you then.

I am squealing by now. And the guys are looking at me like I'm nuts.  I really am not though.

"What was that about?" Chris asks.

"My best friend Leann will be in Denver at 9:30 in the morning.  I guess when I go pick her up, we will go find us a room somewhere."

"No. We will all go get her. And you both will stay here. And no argument from you." Reed says with stinkeye thing happening.

"Fine. You guys are so bossy. You've known me 6 hours and seems like you've known me my whole life the way you treating me."

"I wish i have known you that long" Chris mumbles. I blush. Oh well. MY BESTFRIEND IS COMING! !!!

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