chapter 10: family

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Candace's P.O.V.

It's around 2 in the afternoon the next day. And I am currently sitting with my back against the arm of one of the sofas in the suite. I was released around noon because I was doing alot better.

I am however on strict restrictions.  I have to be on bed rest for the next 4 weeks. I'll probably go nuts.

We are also waiting on my family to get here. They know about the problem with the hotel room. And Leann and Trent went to the airport to pick them up.

Chris is currently sitting on the couch next to my feet. He hasn't left my side since we got back to the hotel. He looks like hell. A sexy kind of hell. But he looks like hell.

"Chris,  I'm fine. Go lay down and nap. I know those chairs were not comfortable." I tell him.

"I'm not going anywhere.  You scared me to death last night.  I need to make sure you are going to be ok."

"I'll be ok."

"Not happening I Candy Cane." He says.

"Candy Cane?" I ask.

"Yea.  A sweet name for an even sweeter lady."

"Ok. After I see my family,  I'm gonnals t down and rest. I suggest you do too.  You have a show tomorrow. You need to be your best."

"We talked about it. The guys and I.  We are not doing the show. You need me here." He says.

"Yea you are.  You can't cancle the show. I will be fine. Leann will stay with me. You can't let your fans down."  I tell him.

"But you-"

"No you are doing the show. That's final."

"Fine.  But when we are finished, I'm coming straight back."

"Ok. If it will make you feel better."

"It will."



About that time, Leann Trent, and my family come in. My mother walks straight over to me. She wraps me in her arms.

"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I feel a little better.  But I need to explain why I didn't tell you about the baby before I left for this journey." I tell her and the rest of my family.

"Sam, I want you to know that I did not seek Allen out. I was at the bar with Leann and the other girls. And he walks up. I'm already quite tipsey. So when he buys me a couple more drinks, well, I end up drunk. I wake up the next morning and he is gone. But his wallet is there. So I take it to him. Please don't hate me."

"I would never hate you. He isn't even a friend. Just on the same team as me. But you needed to leave because you slept with him?" He asks.

"No I left because about a 2 weeks ago, I found out im pregnant.  I haven't slept with anyone in the last 6 months until 10 weeks ago. And that was Allen.  No one  after him." I tell him. "And he told me yall were friends."

"That piece of shitwas never a friend.  He is nothing but a womanizer.  Not fit to be a dad." He says.

"Does he know?" My sister Mandy asks.

"Yea he knows.  I told him right after I found out. He denies it and called me a wh-"

"Don't you finish that word. You are most definitely not that and I will beat the shit out of him when I see him." Sam says.

"He's not worth it bubs. I will raise this baby on my own. Well, with the help of you all." I say.


"No. I need you out of prison so you can help me take his legal rights away. Legally.  Ok?"

"Fine.  But if he comes near you I will punch his face in."

"Ugh. Fine. Whatever."

"Alright.  Now Candace, we want you to come home with us in a few days when you feel uo to traveling home. We talked to the doctor.  He said that it really isn't a good idea for you to travel anymore right now. We want you to be where we can take care of you and our grandchild." My dad says.

"Dad,  I need a break from that town. And I really don't want to see Allen."

"Well you can't travel anymore right now.  So you don't have any other choice."

"Sir, we live on a ranch in Nashville.  That is only an hour from yall. I would love to have her stay with us there." Chris says.

"You have only known her a few days. How do we know she will be ok?" My mom asks.

"She will. I promise.  And it only takes a few days to know you wantb someone in your life. And we are all crazy about her." He says.

"If she stays with you guys, I will be coming by evey day to check on her. In mean that too." Dad says.

"Wouldn't want it any other way. We count on it." Reed says.

And that is how it came to be that my journey across the USA was cut short. And how I came to stay on a ranch with 4 gorgeous men.

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