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I’ve been going to this school about a week now and to be honest I was loving it. Lady and I were now speaking like normal people now that I’ve been informed that she has an enormous crush on Mark and he is off limits. Even though I friend zoned him on the first day. But anyway, it’s a Tuesday and today I will have no choice but to do gym. Kill me now. It wouldn’t even be a problem if we didn’t have it, just before lunch and didn’t have to wear what we have to wear. Considering it was hot September time we had these short shorts and a polo shirt and sneakers as our attire.

I’ve been standing in this changing room for 10 minutes debating whether I should go out or not. Unfortunately Lady and Keisha dragged me out in the direction of the track. Once we reached Toni they pulled me down onto the grass to stretch. We were waiting for the gym teacher to arrive. When the gym teacher got to the field us girls had to stretch while the boys sat and watched us suffer. We all had to line up at the starting point.

“As you have probably guessed by now ladies, you will be running laps. 4 to be exact! The equivalent to 800metres! Now on my whistle you will go! The first 5 ladies back will have a treat in store for them!” And with that she blew her whistle and about 10 girls sprinted off including Keisha who was pretty damn fast. I just jogged with Toni and Lady and this other girl called Crystal who seriously needed to dampen her attitude. We jogged for the first 3 laps, staying at the same pace. We had passed all 10 girls including Keisha who was trailing not too far behind us. Once we hit the 4th lap we picked up our pace now racing one another. Trying to pass the finish line first. As soon as I hit the 200m mark I sprinted like my life depended on it not payin much attention to anyone else and as I passed the finish line the whistle blew and I bent over to try and catch my breath as other people started to cross it too. All that could be heard were wolf whistles and people shouting. Every girl bent over including me straightened up as we realised these shorts were giving quite the show.

“Well done girls. You did good!” Our teacher shouted. “Ebony you came in 5th place. Toni 4th, Lady 3rd, Crystal you came 2nd and surprisingly our new girl, Maria, came first!” Everyone clapped for us 5 winners as we laughed it off. “Your treat will be ..... You can have a full lap race with the first 5 boys to get pass the finish line!!” What?! I was expecting something edible or an opportunity to be lazy. The girls and I decided to be rebellious when the teacher told us to take a seat on the bleachers and decided to sit on the grass in the middle of the track. We watched the boys standing at the starting line. I could see Damion, Christopher (Toni’s twin brother), Toni’s absolutely hot cousin, and the guy who was sitting with us at lunch on my first day. I think his name was Andy. When the teacher blew her whistle every single boy tried our method. It was pretty funny. The teacher looked kinda bored. I saw a girl walk over to a radio that was placed outside and Jason Derulo’s song, the otherside was playing. The teacher smiled at the girl and the girl took it as confirmation that it was alright to play it.

I grinned widely at the girls as they spoke about a party that they went to a few weeks before. They looked at me with confused expressions on their faces and I stood up.

“Watch this” I said as I shook my limbs just as the chorus was coming. When the chorus came I started dancing. I was popping, locking everything I could remember from this routine I had made up whilst bored in my bedroom. I ended the dance with a gracious back flip. Then what I just did came crashing down on me and in all honesty I was embarrassed at what I just did. The girls were looking right at me, mouths wide open. My shy facade came right back and I clasped my hands together in front of me. Toni’s face changed from shocked surprise to full on grinning. She stood up and walked over to me and smiled really big. She pulled me in for a quick happy hug as I sat there confused as ever.

“I am so glad you did that here.” She said to me still grinning as I looked at her as confused as ever.

“Maria, I run the dance team! I’m captain and I am so glad you did that in front of me and not those cheer bitches. They would’ve snatched you away with all of that talent. How did you learn to dance like that?” Honestly I was in a street crew for 2 years until they got violent with one of the girls coz she left. I couldn’t handle that so I left myself. Told them I needed time away coz my gramps had died and never went back. But I wasn’t about to tell her that, so I just shrugged and smiled.

“Well we have try outs tonight after school. It would be awesome if you could come. I’ve got that song on my phone so they can use it. We really need something raw and new to spice up our team. I’ll drop you home afterwards?” She said, or asked, sounded more like a question to me.

“Sure, ok!” I said just as we were called over to do this race thing. I stood at the starting line and shook myself off, stretching, and making sure I was ready to win!

“On your marks!” Just breathe.

“Get set!” Here we go.


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