Unwanted visitor

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As we drove up my driveway I caught Toni staring at it in awe. I let out a light chuckle. It wasn’t anything special. There were no pillars that made my house look like a coliseum, and it was definitely not a mansion. It was a simple, slightly large two story house with a semi long drive way and a porch. But it had a huge garden.

“Your house is frikkin gorgeous!” Toni exclaimed taking a peak at the front garden where my mum enjoyed taking care of the flowers where as at the back we had the trees. I laughed at that.

“Maybe you guys can come over some time, and chill.” I said as I reached down to get my bag.

“I might just take you up on that offer Ri!” She said with a huge grin as I climbed out of her huge car.

“See you tomorrow Toni!” I shouted as I shut the door and made my way towards my house.

“See you tomorrow Maria! Practice starts tomorrow after school so bring your gear! We got 2 weeks until the first game and we need to be ready!” She shouted as she drove out of my driveway and went home. I walked into my house and kicked off my converse. I walked into the kitchen to see my older brother, Lamar sat at the table eating cupcakes. I dropped my bag on a stool next to me and grabbed a cupcake myself.

“Hello little sister. Long time no speak.” He said with a raised eyebrow and his signature smirk. I looked over at him and smiled.

“That would be your fault.” I said matter of factly.

“What’s got you so pre-occupied since we moved here?” I asked him as I reached for another of my mum’s amazing cupcakes.

“Urm..” Before he could say something I heard a door open then footsteps walking in the direction of the kitchen. I looked towards the archway of the kitchen and I swear I saw one of the prettiest, adorable older girls I’ve ever seen. She looked like she was  frozen right there, in the doorway.

“Hi!” I was the first to speak because I highly doubt she would be moving any time soon.

“Hey...” She said in a small voice. Lamar stood up and walked over to her.

“Maria, this is Taylor. Taylor, this is my baby sister Maria.” He introduced us and she offered me a small smile.

“You’re only 2 years and 8 months older than me douche.” I said and he just laughed as I stood up out my seat and picked up my bag.

“I gotta do my homework. It was nice meeting you Taylor” I shook her hand like my parents taught me. Or I should say parent.

“Nice meeting you too Maria.” She said with a small smile. I went upstairs and heard them start talking.

A few hours later I was lying belly down on my bed watching some tv while on the phone to Mark.

“Love and basketball has to be your favourite movie! What black girl doesn’t love that film? Come on!” We had been arguing about this for the past 5 minutes just because I said I wasn’t a big fan.

“It’s too cliché! The way they end up together at the end... happens in fairytales. Not real life.” I defended. I was set on my view.

“Okay, what would be your desired ending princess Riri?” He questioned with an almost mocking tone and I scoffed.

“The ending to that film Temptation was a lot more realistic.” I said.

“Never seen it.”

“Well I don’t recommend it. It’s a crap movie with a realistic ending.” I said as he laughed on the other end.

“MARIA! DINNER’S READY!” I got up from my bed and switched off my tv.

“Mark I gotta go. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Ciao!”

“Speak to you later Ririi.” And with that we hung.

I went to the kitchen and helped carry some food into the dining room to see Taylor was sat at the table.

“Oh hey Taylor. Didn’t realise you were still here.” I said just as my mum came into the dining room.

“Hola mis bellezas! Dinner is served!” My mum exclaimed as she placed a platter with a full chicken with a few carved pieces around the sides and pasta sana. It was a really eventful night and I enjoyed every moment of it. We got on really well with Taylor. She was so sweet and I had to laugh every time she put Lamar in his place. I could tell I would be good friends with this girl. She wasn’t like the other sluts Lamar had previously brought home in his life time and she actually met our mum this time.

When dinner ended Lamar took Taylor home and me and my mum were tidying up.

“So Maria. Anyone been catching your eye at school?” I actually had to stop and stare at my mum. Was she actually serious?

“Erm shouldn’t you be telling me to focus on my books and not boys. Boys are bad for your future. Wait until you’ve reached your future blah blah! Like other black mums?” She took th platter that was in my hand and put it on the island in the middle of the kitchen then took my hand and sat me down on one of the stools.

“Sweetie, you may find it weird that I don’t have those kind of boundaries with you that other mums have with their daughters. But you know about my past honey. My mum kept me on such a tight leash when I was your age. An age where I should of been exploring and making mistakes of my own. I wasn’t able to understand how the world works because of it and so when I met Melanie’s father I didn’t know what to do or how to act. And that’s how I ended up pregnant with Melanie. I treat you like this because I don’t want you to be in the same situation as I was. I want you to explore, and make mistakes! I want you to live like I never did. But be smart about it.” Did my mum, really just give me that speech? It’s like she’s giving me a get out of jail free card. I just stared at her because I honestly had nothing else to say.

“So anything new at school?” She changed the subject THANK GOD! I could not have been happier.

“Erm I joined the dance team and I’m part of the in crowd” I stated

“That’s great honey! I hope they’re nice and responsible.” I opened my mouth to say that they’re pretty cool when there was a knock at the door. It wasn’t Lamar. He took his keys with him and it’s like 9pm. Who would be knocking on the door at this time?

Walked to the front door and opened it up without even asking who it is or looking through the keyhole. It could’ve been a murder or a kidnapper or a thief and I could have just sealed my death. But it was someone much, much worse.

It was my dad.

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