God give me strength

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I bit into my juicy pizza as Toni was chattering away about try outs and Mark was flirting with Lady and Andy and Keisha were bickering. I flicked my wet braid over my shoulder to my back and listened intently to what Toni was saying. I had come 3rd place in the race today. Toni was 4th, Damion came 2nd and Toni’s cousin was first. It was actually annoying but being the only girl in the top 3 made me happy. Toni was now telling me that they handled the basketball games while the cheer squad handled the football games. The ‘cheer bitches’ were stationed at the other end of the cafeteria. They were literally looking at people like they were scum and they were princesses or something.

The day went really quick and and before I knew it I was standing in front of a panel of judges. They were really dance members. I was clad in my sports bra and gym shorts and sneakers with my braid tied up. The song started and I improvised the verse then as it got to the chorus I did the routine I did earlier. When I finished I stood there  with my head held high. All the girls were either scrutinising me or writing something down on their pieces of paper. Toni, who was sat in the middle winked at me as the girls did a few Chinese whispers. Toni looked at me and cleared her throat.

“It would be amazing if you could join us.” She said with a grin. Then some other girl interrupted with a rather ghetto twang to her voice. It sounded kinda nice.

“We like your flavour and your raw talent. It’s new and we wanna take you on. Last year. It’s gotta be crazy.” I smiled and said thanks as I went to shake their hands. It was respect that they expected. Toni filled me in. When I got to the girl that spoke before she looked down at my belly button where I had my diamond encrusted crucifix belly piercing.

“The name’s Billie-Ann... Nice stud.” She said referring to the piercing.

“Thanks” Was my reply and I walked out to wait for Toni. I was walking around the school with my bag in my hand. I couldn’t be bothered to change, so I was still in my sports bra and what not. I came to a stop outside a door which lead to one of the gyms. This was the gym where basketball takes place and I saw all the boys. There were about 20 boys in there all bouncing around balls. I saw Damion, Mark, Andy, Christopher and those boys that I saw on the first day. I even spotted Toni’s cousin. I really need to find out his name. I can’t keep calling him that. He was smiling then he stopped and his head snapped in my direction and he looked right at me. He was pretty far away but I was still getting lost in those eyes. But I was snapped back into reality as my cell rang and I searched my bag for it. When I saw it it stopped ringing and I saw that it was Toni calling me. So I called back.

“Where are you?” This is how she answered my phone call? Where’s the hello?

“B gym.”

“Ah cool. I’m waiting at my car.” She said as she hung up. She was so rude. I could just flick her nose and teach her some manners. I walked off to the car park, not before looking back to see Toni’s cousin had got back to what he was doing. When I got to the car park I saw Toni sitting on the hood of her black Land Rover Discovery 3. I climbed up and sat with her.

“Waiting for Dame?” I asked as I pulled out my cell to find a snapchat message from Lady.

“Yup!” She said popping the ‘p’. We didn’t have to wait long. Before you knew it a whole lot of noise came through the front entrance. I looked up and saw all the guys coming out as Toni got down off her hood and walked towards them. I really couldn’t be bothered to follow suit so I just sat there watching. The sun was still beaming down on us so I decided to lay back and soak it in and I could barely see my piercing gleam in the sunlight.

“Maria!” I could faintly hear someone calling me.

“Maria!” I opened my eyes a little as I heard footsteps running towards me.

“Riri, get up. Toni’s screaming the place down, calling you over. I’m afraid we’ll have no school if she carries on” Mark said as he caught his breath a little I laughed and nodded.

“Fine but only if you give me a piggy back. I’m tired.” He laughed and turned around.

“Of course princess.” I laughed a little and slid from the hood of the car straight onto Marks back. When we got over to the crowd of 9 people they were all in one conversation with Toni at the centre talking animatedly.

“Ah Maria I want you to meet some people. This is Harry, Jacob, Trevor, Cleon, Marcus and my cousin Jerome. Everyone else you know.” She said with a grin as I climbed  down from Mark’s back. It was difficult considering he’s 6ft1in and I’m a measly 5ft4in but I eventually touched the ground.

“Hi everybody, nice to meet you.” I said kinda shyly as I received a few ‘what’s good ma’ and ‘yo’s.

“It’s gonna be great now that she’s on the team. Wait until your game. When you see her dance I know your asses are gonna get motivated” She grinned.

“But the only person motivating you is gonna be me, you got that boy?!” She was saying this to Damion who looked like he was about to shit his pants. I wonder if Toni’s bipolar. The way she changes attitude so quick is not healthy.

“You’re the only girl for me boo.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her small waist and kissed her lips, which soon became a make out session.

“Wha-pew!” The guys were making noises like a whip (Saying he’s whipped) and I just stood there laughing.

“Come on let’s go.” Toni said as she walked off waving bye to everyone. I turned around and gave Mark a hug. His hugs were warm and comforting. They made me feel safe. I let him go after like 10 seconds then went and gave Damion a quick hug.

“Bye guys” I said to the rest as I waved over my shoulder. We got into Toni’s car as we took off


I watched her as she hugged Mark for way too long to be friendly. I was getting a little annoyed as he hugged her like that. She let him go and went to hug Damion. In all honesty I was expecting a hug too but ma has to go and give me a wave. I watched as she walked off swaying her hips without even realising it. That’s what I like to call natural. Her flawless caramel skin glistened in the sunlight and that ass, DAMN. Got a nigga praying for forgiveness. And those shorts weren’t helping. Her top allowed the right amount of skin to be showing and I saw that belly piercing. Ma’s sexy as hell. But ain’t nobody ever gonna know how I think of her but me. I got a reputation to uphold and I can’t let no sexy ass bitch come ruin it for me. I’m the fuck and duck baby and it’s gonna stay that way. But she’ll come to me. In time everybody does.

(A/N: This is the one and only time I’m doing someone elses Pov. But it came to me and I had to write it down so here you are.)

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