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I came out of the bathroom after I washed my face and used the toilet. I found a spare toothbrush in Jerome's cabinet so I used that and boy was my face feeling fresh. I wanted to have a shower though. When I left the bathroom I sat on Jerome's bed and and picked up the remote to put the TV on. You know I had to put on spongebob. I don't care how old I am, there is never a boring moment when spongebob is involved. Jerome was sitting up, still under the duvet and he was on his phone. Best believe this guy was SHIRTLESS! Jheeze was his body bangin. He had the packs the pecs the biceps and lord that tattoo on his chest was like OH JESUS! I needed to compose myself so I went back to my programme.

"Thanks again Jerome" I said with a blank look on my face. 

"No problem ma. Besides, I didn't feel right sleeping with you when I banged Melissa an hour earlier." He e shrugged. I was once again in shock. He is such a gentleman! Oh he's definitely a whore. He would have slept with me same waay if I wasn't a virgin.

"Ugh I knew you smelled like cheap perfum and sex!" I stood up, picked up a pillow and he started scrambling getting tangled in his sheets. I threw it at him and it hit him square in the head sending him flying off the bed. Itried not to but I burst out laughing and started clutching my stomach and holding onto his door to keep myself up. I laughed so hard I started tearing up. Jerome got up on his knees and glared at me, making me laugh harder. He stood up and lunged at me like a lion lunging at a gazelle . I immediately stopped laughing and ran around his bed giggling. I jumped over his bed when he came round to me. I dashed out of his room, having no idea where I was going, but I just ran, running down the stairs.Jerome was close. So close I could feel his breath on my cheek. He would have caught me if I didn't keep dodging like this was dodgeball. I ran toward the noise coming from what I would assume to be the living room. I ran through the doorway, only to be yanked back. The momentum of my back hitting his hard chest, knocked the air right out of me.

I was thrown on the floor (gently) and I suddenly felt fingers all over me. He was tickling me. I'm a seriously ticklish person and so tickling is strictly forbidden when it comes to me. Obviously this jerk didn't get the memo. I was screaming the place down and laughing until somone cleared their throat. Jerome froze which gave me a moment to look up. There were about 5 pairs of eyes witnessing our show. I used this distraction to push Jerome off of me. I spotted Toni and skipped over to her. I gave her a huge bear hug as she laughed in my ear.

"Good morning to you too babe!" I released her and looked around the room. Clemence, Damion, Mark, Lady and some guy I didn't know. I sat on Toni's lap because every seat was occupied. 

"Hey guys" I greeted everyone but Damion was the only person who replied. Everyone else was more interested on flipping Maury. I decided to get comfortable on  Toni and watch. As soon as the woman said she was born a man and the guy through the cake in her face everyone burst out laughing. That poor woman/man.

"Breakfast is ready!!!" There was a distant voice coming from another room. Everyone literally got up and rushed out of the room. I even got shoved off Toni's lap. This family loves to shove me. I followed Toni into the kitchen. This kitchen was too nice. There was an island inthe middle of the kitchen, it's surface was black marble. It was smaller than my kitchen but it was. beaautiful. The walls were painted red and the floor matched the colour of the counter surfaces. I don't really know how to describe everything but it was nice. 

I took a seat at one of the stools at the island and smiled as I saw everyone taking food from the middle and piling it onto there plates. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned towards it to see a beautiful woman looking down at me. She looked almost identical to Jerome. She had big grey eyes with little gold specks in them (coolest thing ever), long wavy hair and long dark lashes but she was way lighter than Jerome.

"Hey there sweetie. Never seen you before. Tuck in" She handed me a plate and brushed my shoulder as she began to wwalk off. "Aunt Bee, this is my friend Maria. She's new in town" Toni introduced me with her mouth full of fried dumpling and pancakes. Jerome's mum smiled at me and went back to doing what she was doing. I took some scrambled egg, pancakes and bacon. I swear it was the best thing to touch my tastebuds siince the last time my mum cooked. I moaned silently and ate my deliciousness. 

"Where's your brother Toni?" I asked as I stuffed some egg in my mouth, loving the way it filled with delicious water. "He went to work boo" I shrugged and carried on eating until there wasn't a speck left on my plate. The doorbell rang and Jerome jumped up to get it. I took a dumpling when I heard a lot of noise coming from the front door. I waited patiently to see what all the fuss was about.

Jerome came back into the kitchen followed by a guy who looked to be about 19, 20. He had shaved hair, slitted brown eyes and slitted eyebrows. His lips, were gorgeous and he had straight white teeth and a gold tooth. JESUS PEEZUS! 

"Maa! Guess who's here." The elder woman turned away from the sink to see what Jerome was on about and her face lit up in absolute delight.

"OH! My baby!" She ran over to him, wiping her hands on her dress. "When did you get out of prison baby? I was gonna come and pick you up!" She fussed over him rubbing his face and everything. 

"They let me out early. I wanted it to be a surprise ma!" He hugged his mum as Jerome just stood off to the side chessin bad. His mum stopped fussing and quickly left the room and that's when everybody stood up and spudded or hugged this guy.

"DE'ANDRE!!!!! Omg I missed you cuz!" Toni screamed as she ran up to him and hugged him like he was her life support. I was just smiling. It was sweet. But one thing I did notice. This guy hadn't taken his eyes off me since he stepped in the room. When I looked up to him all curious and shit, he bit his lip and winked at me.

Oh Lord Jesus!


Hey guys,

I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in like forever! I've been crazy busy studying coz I got exams coming and on top of that I had writers block. 

But I will be uploading more frequentlly but not a lot. Not until summer

Love and skittles 

Love China xxx


Sup people! Again, I'm sorry it took so long. It's a little detailed and kinda weird but I got my friend to do the details for me and he happily agreed!

So here's the restricted stuff she heard from Jerome after he woke up after the party.

Tell me if you think I should make it public because I'm really thinking I should

Love and skittles

China xxxxx

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