[13] Bridges

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Me and Dean just hung out for a while doing whatever we wanted. That included doing various dumb things.

It was 7 now and we were at some train tracks drinking beer. Every time the trains passed we would see how many bottles we could through at it.

Neither of us were drunk.

We sat in an old train car on the side of the tracks. We had a small flash light inside and a cigarette hung loosely out of my mouth.

"Have you heard from Luke?" He asked

"No, and I hope to not ever again" I said "he's an asshole"

"I agree" he said

A train hitting the tracks rang in my ears and I walked to the tracks. It soon passed by where we were standing and a gust of wind blew whipping my hair around my face.

I loved the feeling that in a matter of seconds it could all be gone and taken away from me, but I was dangling my feet over that chance, ready to slip away at any second.

The train sped away as my eyes followed it down. I then laid down on the tracks and took a deep breath. I looked at the small stars who had just started to appear in the fresh night.

"Mars is my favorite" I said aloud

"I always liked how the moon towered over everything" Dean said after a small silence

"It is neat but mars is almost...i don't know, untouchable. Sure there are robots on it and things like that, but no person has ever actually been there. We've only skimmed across the surface of the universe anyways" I said thoughtfully

I heard another train on its way and sat up and slowly walked out of its way, just barely missing it. But I didn't even flinch.

I sat across from Dean where he was propped against a rock and I did so too. He stared at me for a while and I met his gaze.

"Why do you look at me like that?" I asked

After a short pause he responded, "I'm trying to figure you out."

"There are to many pieces missing for you to solve this puzzle" I said without hesitation

That didn't stop him from looking at me, as he inspected every inch of my face. I just watched his eyes move around my face until he met my eyes again.

"Maybe you haven't found your perfect piece yet" he said

"You know, I used to have my pieces in perfect order. How do you find what's already been lost?" I asked him

"You look harder" he replied

I laughed a little "you know you sound like a therapist, right?"

He gave me a crooked smile. I smiled back.

"I love your smile" he said

I laughed throwing my head back. "You didn't just try to pull that line on me, did you?"

"What if I did?" He smirked

"That makes you very typical" I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're not so bad Red" he said after a pause



2am at a party. Not sure where I am. Not really sure where the car is.

The party was at a park where some people drank on the old picnic tables and some walked on the bridge. I do remember being here before though, but my brain is to fuzzy to really remember.

I'm dancing with a boy who've I've never seen before or met. He's not even that attractive.

He began kissing my neck and his hands trailed up my shirt. I laughed as he did so.

The boy was pulled off of me sharply and Deans face was im sight now.

"A little to close there" Dean said as he got into his face.

The boy started to retaliate and I just walked away without a care in the world. There are always more boys, and he was nothing special.

"Red!" Dean ran up to me "Where are you going?"

"You're ruining all my fun" I smiled at him teasingly

He smiled back "He was a douche bag. Obviously"

We slowly walked to the bridge where I looked over into the small river below. I just listened to the water.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me randomly

"Lots of things" I took a step away from the railing and looked up at the sky

"Could you be more specific?" He pried and stepped towards me.

I put on my best thoughtful face and stepped toward the railing again giving him a teasing smile.

"This" I said as I swung a single leg over the rail

He is eyes widened by he tried to keep him expression calm. It wasn't really working.

He laughed slightly to lighten the mood, "Red come back over here"

I put my second leg over and stood on the small ledge leaning backwards with my hands on the rail.

"Okay. Funs over. Come back" he said leaning towards me and become serious.

I gave him a sneaky smile and shook my head no. I then carefully turned around and stared down at the rushing water.

"Red." Dean said strictly and I could tell he was standing directly behind me.

"Dean" I laughed

Then i leaned out and let go.

A hand snatched mine and yanked me back as I dangled over the side.

"Grab the fucking railing" Dean said and my other hand grabbed it.

He pulled up up and over the railing.

"What the fuck" he said and a smile twitched at my lips, "were you thinking"

"I've jumped off this bridge before" a full smile broke out over my face

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"It's deep enough with no rocks" I said as he paced back and forth.

He didn't stop.

"Dean. Dean I'm fine" I laughed a little

"Let's just go. I need to think" he huffed

"Dean" I said as he began to walk away but that didn't stop him

"Dean" I said again walking faster to catch up with him

"Dean" I got in front of him and grabbed his shoulders "Hey. Look at me."

His eyes met mine. I couldn't read his expression though.

"I'm fine" I smiled at him

He grabbed the top of arms and pulled them of his shoulders.

"Be more careful Red, because some people actually care. You'll just end up hurting someone" he said never breaking eye contact

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