Chapter 14

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"One more." I yelled out slamming the shot glass down onto the table. The music was deafening but by know it didn't make a difference to me.

"Hey I said one more." I yelled once more at the bartender.

"Sorry sir you've had enough." He pointed to the sign behind him. He walked over to the other side of the bar.
I groaned trying to focus my eyes on the little sign across the bar. 'Service can be denied at anytime'

"Fucking bullshit." I cried out grabbing into the counter top to steady myself as I hopped off of the stole. I made my way to the entrance stumbling out of the ragged down bar I had spent the majority of my night at. I was expecting to be met with a dark night and fresh breeze of my hometown that I had solemnly missed. But instead I was met with bright flashes and a hoard of people blocking my path.

I could hear yelling but I couldn't make up what they were saying. Probably some bullshit story trying to get a reaction out of me, that's something those pig paparazzi would do.

"Hey fuck off " I yelled pushing past the swarm of people trying to get back to my hotel. Immediately after walking out of my family home I had walked around aimlessly searching for a hotel. I didn't bring much money with me  seeing as I didn't expect to me looking for a hotel when I got here.

I found one that wasn't too ragged down but clearly wasn't in the best shape. Oddly enough they didn't ask for a credit card or even an ID, cash only. If I wasn't so tired because of previous affairs I would have definitely thought twice before staying at this sketchy hotel.

It had one of those 'we tried to look our best but everything is from the dollar store' vibe.

In my drunken state that didn't matter. None of this did, all I needed was a nice cozy bed, maybe an aspirin or two, and for these bloody people to stop following me.

After merely a block of walking I came across my hotel. I dashed in tucking my head into the hood of my jacket. I could hear the shouting up until the door closed. Complete and uder silence. Sober me may having given this a second thought, Is it even legal to make this place THAT sounds proof, someone could be murdered and no one would have a clue.

I stumbled up the stairs not bothering to take the elevator that was only a few steps away. It took me longer than it would have if I was sober but I didn't bother to rush my way up. Getting the key out of my pocket was found to be harder than I had thought. After fishing for the key from my back pocket and a moments scare thinking that I had lost it, I was finally inside.

I didn't bother to take my clothes off of to even make it to my room. I crashed down onto the sofa bringing my legs up and curling into a ball. I saw my phone light up from across the room. It could have been my mom, sister, old friends, and god forbid Harry. Sober me would have died at the thought of Harry calling me, but drunk me was completely different. Drunk me wanted him to be here, wanted him to hold me close and tell me everything was going to be all right. Drunk me had a mind of his own.

I slid off the couch crawling over to my phone that was laid on the floor. I turned it on, the brightness only blinding me for a few seconds before I adjusted to it.

@ Harry_styles now follows you

I smiled letting my fingers click on the notification that automatically brought me to my twitter app.

@  Harry_styles tgnks goe da fopllow mat:)))))))


I waited a few seconds waiting to see if I would get some sort of reaction from him, Just as I was about to lock my phone a text popped up from the one and only.

H-Hey are you ok?


H- Are you drunk?

L-lil vit

L-vall me


L-call me

A few seconds Later louis phone lit up showing he had a call. His smile grew seeing loving the fact that Harry had listened to him, even in his drunken state. The call lasted hours, Louis's drunk non-coherent rambling and Harry simple short one word answers is what the rest of the night consisted of for these two. Louis was drunk while Harry was sober but neither of them had a problem with this.

787///words I dont know what happened at the end or why I went into third person but I decided to leave it like that.

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