Chapter 15

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In honor of zayn getting a wattpad AND spooky week, here's another update.

I laid limp on my hotel bed. My scalp hurt from the tight grip I had on it earlier. I tried taking out all my anger on everything around me until I eventually took it out on myself. I deserved it more than anything in this room. I was the one that didn't go when I should have. Flashbacks of just this morning came rushing back to me. My head was starting to ache, but I deserved it. Even after everything she did for me I treat her like this.

Yes she said hurtful things and yes she was awful. But she was the best mom I could ever ask for up until a few months ago. I shivered, the cold finally hitting me. I didn't bother to get a jacket or turn the heating up. I just laid there reminding myself how much I deserve this, the pain im feeling.


"I.Don't.Care." I had hung up the phone just like that. Cold, heartless,awful. I was all those things right now.

Was I being rude?  Yes.

Was I being irrational? Yes.

Was I hungover? You bet.

Could I think straight? Apparently not.

Did I regret it? 100%

I had woken up with the worst hang over I've had in the longest time. I couldn't remember much about what had happened last night but I do remember a faint argument and a phone call. I had a rude awakening at 5 in the morning by my phone.

At first I tried to ignore it, but it just seemed to have gotten louder and louder until eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I answered mindlessly just wanting the noise to stop. I didn't bother looking at the caller id or anything. I knew I wasn't expecting anyone and maybe, just maybe that's why I reacted this way.

Maybe it wasn't really me, maybe I was still drunk, maybe I was annoyed over the fact that I was awaken at 5 am or maybe it was the headache speaking. I don't know and maybe ill never know.

When answering that I call I didn't expect anything, especially not a call from my sister. The sister I hadn't talk to in months. She moved out, I moved out, and we both just moved on.

Mom was in the hospital. That's what the call was about. In my hungover state I couldn't care less. Yes I remembered she had cancer, It was a horrible disease  that could target anyone. But I couldn't get over yesterday. It started off with a simple Phone call from Charlotte (Made up name for louis's sis).

"Moms in the hospital Louis." I could hear the strain in her voice but that didn't seem to bother me.

"Ok?" I asked.  In my hungover state I couldn't understand why she was telling me this.

"She doesn't have much longer Louis."  I could tell she crying by the sniffling coming from the other side of the phone.

"I have a terrible hangover right now, I really cant do this."

"Louis we cant continue paying for this treatment." She pleaded

"Then DON'T" I spit out harshly, completely forgetting about my raging headache. I tried to focus on my breathing befour I got out of control and snapped at my sister too.

"Louis we cant do this now." Her words were slushed together and the tone of her voice made me almost want to give in. Almost.



I cant let it end this way. I dont care weather she forgives me or not. I need to do this Charlotte, she loves her and I cant let her go out like this. I called Charlotte, by the 3rd ring she answered.

"Hello?" She sounded tired.

"WHat hospital are you at" I shrugged on my coat looking around for my wallet.

"Wha-" I cut her off.

"I wont ask again Char."

She gave me the address and I walked out the hotel room.

"Thank you" She whispered. I said good bye acting as if I hadn't heard her. She doesn't know why i'm going. Maybe I just want to pull the plug. I know that's not true and so does she. Char knows me better than I know myself most of the time.

30 mins later

I walked up the pavement steps leading up the hospital. Never liked hospitals, they always reminded me of death. It seemed fitting seeing the situation at hand. I walked over to the front desk. I signed papers and that was it. It didn't take much to let me into the room.

"Charlotte" She rushed over jumping into my arms. I rubbed her back soothingly as she damped my sweater in her tears.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You'll save her Louis." Her words were muffled.

"Why do you say that?" I asked seeing as I never mentioned anything about wanting to save her life.

She pulled back a little. "Because I know you will, even if its not for you, or for her, I know you'll do it for me.

I nodded. She was right, like always. I was doing this for her and only her. I smiled down at her. I let her go walking over to find her doctor. She was going to have this surgery and she was going to be ok. All because of me.

891 words///  was going to kill off his mom but I couldnt find it in my heart to do so, so I had to change the beginning a lot. Also that might be why the beginning might sound kinda over exaggerated since his mom is now still living.

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