Chapter 2

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I walk into school, and all of the girls start crowding around me. I smiled and put up my popular front. At school, I am the Flower Boy. Everyone loves me for some reason. I don't understand it. I'm not beautiful, I'm smart but my grades don't show it until the exams. I have major depression and am suicidal but they still love me. Everyone knows that I am homoflexible an all of the girls still think that they can win over my heart. No one knows about Sleepy. Other than Sleepy. I have no idea who Sleepy could be. I'm trying to put together who he is by what I know about him so far. I have the capability to find out who he is by running a search of his email, but that is cheating.

I sigh. "What's Wrong?" my friend, Minhyuk, asked.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" Sanha asks.

"Grown up things. You cannot listen to this conversation. You are too young."

"Ya! I'm only 3 years younger than you!"

"Exactly. You are still a child."

Sanha pouts and I ruffle his hair and he freaks out and fixes it. All of the girls start giggling as we start walking to our homeroom together.

"Appa?" Sanha asks cautiously.

"Yes, Nai Ai?"

"Are you thinking about someone you like?"

"Child, that isn't something that we shall discuss because you are still too small," I say, blushing.

Jinwoo giggles.

"What are you laughing at?" I snap.



"Because you are blushing like your poor child got it right."

"I did??" Sanha asks hurriedly.

"I think so with how hard he is blushing now," Moon Bin says.

I blush even harder.

"Will you guys stop picking on me?" I ask.

"Who is picking on my darling Oppa?" Myungjin says.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"


"Saekki," I say smirking.

"Why are you being mean to me?"

"I'm not," I say innocently and form a halo with my hands above my head.

Sanha giggles and Myungjin sticks his tongue out at me. We drop Sanha off at his classroom and as always he clings to me and begs me not to make him go to class, but as always, Bin pulls him off of me and forces him to sit in his chair and I leave with Myungjin to get to our classroom. When Bin catches up with us, he drapes his arm over my shoulder. I smile at him. He yawns. I jab him in the ribs with my elbow.

"Ow. Why did you do that?"

"Because you need to wake up and not fall asleep in class again."

He pouts. I smile and kiss his cheek and he squeals. I laugh. He grabs my face and makes a kissing face and I push him away laughing.

"What do you not want a kiss?"

"Not now."


"Because we are at school."

"Come on, Darling. You weren't this difficult last night."

Nothing actually happened last night but this is just something we do to entertain people and ourselves. I smirk and turn away from him saying, "Well there are innocent children here."

He sighs and drops it. He is smiling, though. We walk into our classroom and we sit in our seats, which are right next to each other, with us being deskmates and all. We sit down just as out teacher walks in. We sit up straight and focus on class work.


I open my email on my laptop and see an email from Sleepy and get excited. Bin is getting my lunch for me as always.



Subject: Re: Getting to know you

I don't mind if you ask me questions as long as they don't have anything to do with what I look like, or do, or who I am. I love talking to you and I hope one day we can do this face to face, but not yet.



I smile.

"Why are you smiling at much?" Bin asks me and I quickly close the window.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

"Awwww. Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because this is not anything you have to worry about."

"Fine. Just eat."

We eat and talk about nothing. Sanha is eating his food looking as innocent as possible.

After School

As the school flower boys, it is our job to put up the best image for the school. We play after school sports, we get good test scores, we volunteer as much as possible and are kind to everyone. Today we have soccer practice and we all are doing our footwork drills and Bin trips and hits his head on a rock. He is bleeding like hell and we rush him to the ER. As captain and best friend, I go with him so that I can fill out as much of the paperwork as possible until his parents get there. On the way, I put pressure on his head and fret about him in the back with him whale one of the coaches drives us to the ER. Bin had passed out when he hit his head.

I hope it isn't that bad. If it is, I will take care of him until he gets better. I will fight for him and protect him. I will give my life for him. He has been my best friend since we were kids. When we get there I carry him into the ER and doctors are called immediately. I fill out the papers and call his parents after I wash his blood off of my hands. I feel sad with his blood on me because it makes it look like I killed him and that depresses me.

About 2 hours later, the doctor says, "Mr.Lee, I have some bad news about Mr. Moon."

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