chapter thirty-seven.

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( I used to tease Charles about becoming bald. )


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        The jet began to rapidly shake as they neared Egypt where Charles, Apocalypse and his Horseman were. "Seventh wonder, 12 o'clock," Hank said from the pilots seat.

Lydia got out of her seat at the same time as Raven and they headed towards the front to have a look at what was going on. The buildings and everything around was being pulled out of the ground and floated into the air. The pyramids got ripped apart brick by brick except for a pyramid in the middle which was made out of something else.

Lydia focussed her attention on where Charles would be and found his head in an instant. "Charles is in the centre of the pyramid with the blue guy," she told everyone. "He's going to transfer his consciousness into Charles."

"If he does that, he'll have the power to control every mind in the world," Jean spoke up.

They flew just past the pyramid and Lydia got a closer look at it. The pyramid was formed to look like scales, but made out of stone. There was a smaller pyramid on the top made out of gold. "What the hell is that?" Moira asked.

Lydia watched as Erik ripped up everything on the earths floor around him. "Erik," she mumbled.

Peter was by her side within a second, looking over Hank's shoulder while he chewed gum in his mouth. Lydia held her hand out and Peter must have gotten the memo because a second later, he placed a new piece of gum into her hand. Lydia popped it straight into her mouth.

"You guys help Nightcrawler get into the pyramid," Raven looked at all of the teenagers. "Get Charles."

"I'll look after those little delinquents," Lydia looked back at Scott, Jean and Kurt. "Alex can come."

"Hell yeah!" He fist pumped the air.

"I'll take care of Erik," Raven said.

"How are we gonna get through that?" Hank asked.

"I can get you in there," Peter told Raven. "I partially came here for him," he said as he glanced at Lydia. "Let me help you."

Raven nodded at him. "The rest of you, get Charles on this plane and get him out of here."

"We're not leaving without you!" Kurt said.

"Bless," Lydia mumbled.

"Don't worry. We'll catch up," Peter spoke.

"You two better," Lydia looked at Raven and Peter.

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