Chapter 2 Cameron Dallas

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Pov. Cameron

I blink my eyes a vew times before opening them completely. I throw of the white sheeds and my feet touch the cold wooden floor.

I take my time to get ready and decide to have a shower before I have the meet&greed with my fans. I don't think they would like to hug me All sweaty and stuff so...

After the shower I search through my closet. "What to wear? What to wear?" "What about a simple tanktop?" I hear my girlfriend Melissa say while she wraps her arms arround my neck. "To teenager like" I reply to her. "And that's what I miss about you, can't you just leave the suit for once" She says pouting a little. "Ugh okey but just once. And just for you" I kiss the top of her nose and take the tanktop she was pointing at with some black ripped jeans.

 And just for you" I kiss the top of her nose and take the tanktop she was pointing at with some black ripped jeans

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I can hear the fans screaming and I'm still outside the building.

When I walk past a small window the screaming gets louder. Yes I love my fans but my ears are bleeding.

The first fan come's up and I see how she is crying, and give her a hug. How can I have such an impact on people.
She gives me a drawing and honestly it looks great.

One last hug and another fan come's arround the corner.

After many many many! Fans. I was done and could go home. I know Mellisa is at a photoshoot so I can still get some coffee on my way home.

We arrive at a small Starbucks and I order my coffee. After waiting a while they call my name. I take it quickly and walk towards the cab. It's late at night by now. I see younger people going out and getting drunk.

I was about to enter the cab when a drunk girl bumbs right into me. I didn't fall because the girl was rather small, well she did fall. I put my hand out to help her but she just ignored me. "Don't people have something better to do then get drunk every night." I mumple at myself, but the girl apperently heard me. "I am not d..drunk" my head shot up as she slurred the words. "Can you stand on one leg?" I asked smirking. I saw the blond girl struggle and when she was about to fall I grabbed her and pulled her up.

"You are drunk my lady" I said sarcastic. "And you are full of bul-" "Don't swear" I stated. And for the first time she looked up.

I recognised the gorgeous blue eyes in front of me. "Well well, we meet again" I smile at her. She looks confused and I speak before she can. "You are way to dunk to remember me. Let me take you with me so you can sober up"

I get her in the car. And she falls on the backseat of the cab. I get in next to her and tell the driver where my appartement is.

My phone buzzes and I take a look at it.

M- Melissa
C- Cameron

M- Hey sweety, I will be working till late tonight. And I'll sleep here they have this spare room here so, see you tommorow?

C- Okey, see you tommorow. Btw, a friend I haven't seen in a while is maybe going to stay the night. She's pretty drunk.

M- she?

C- yes, I have friends that are girls.

M- Okey, don't do thinks I shouldn't do. (;

C- Love you

M- Love you to!

I put my phone away and look at Sabrina. She looks so peacefull while sleeping.

Hey, so tommorow is my 16th birthday and it's vacation for me now. A one week vacation and I will be going to Londen, I'm not sure if I will be able to update next weekend but I'll try my best!

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